August 17th, 2022 at 1:15 P.M., GH Community Center
1. Meeting called to order. @ 1:15 Carrie Uthe, Chairperson
2. Roll Call
Chrysteen Moelter-Gray-present
Warren Roosen-present
Ray Harz-present
Norman Cunningham-present
Christina Shannon-present
Carrie Uthe-present
Angie Devries-absent
Lisa Greenwood-present
Heather Phillips-absent
Harbor Transit Staff present:
Scott Borg
Tom Burghardt
Dana Appel
Mollie Hruskach
Annelise Walker
Teresa Dreese
3. Approval of the May 18, 2022 Meeting Minutes Motion to approve by Chrysteen, 2nd by Ray
4. General Business / Call to Audience none
5. General Business:
A. Review of Ridership: include no-show –Tom shared ridership comparison
numbers, since 2016, including no-shows for 2022. Would like to see no-show
numbers for 2019, to compare.
B. Review of 2022 Coast Guard Park and Ride –Tom shared Coast Guard Park &
Ride numbers. Compared 2019-2022. No complaints that Harbor Island was not a
pickup/drop location
C. Ridership Recommendations/Concerns Thank you from Four Points Senior
Center for providing transportation on senior day during Coast Guard festival.
D. Ridership Complaints
(6-16-22) Citizen complained that a bus cut her off at a local school pick-up lane.
(6-29-22) Rider complained a driver’s remarks made them feel uncomfortable.
(7-13-22) Citizen complained that a bus pulled out in front of her and proceeded to drive slowly.
(7-29-22) Rider not happy that we request scheduling her ride one hour before her appointment time. States she arrives too early for appointments
6. Finance Report: Dana Appel
Balance sheet activity for June, summary attached
MI Class EDGE investment interest rate is 1.5236%
Revenue & Expense activity for fiscal year, see attached report
Budget is 75% completed for fiscal year
Advertising revenue $1200- first contract for a bus wrap
Liability, auto, Errors and Omission and Workers Comp Insurance are over budget, but will have Yearend adjustments to move expenses into next fiscal year.
Fuel-gasoline is 84% of budget
Fuel-propane is 43% of budget
Harbor Transit expects to see a 2% increase in expenses by fiscal year end (Sept 30th). As of June 30th, all departments are below budget.
7. Operations Supervisor Report: Tom Burghardt
Three new buses are on order, all propane. Staff numbers are coming up. Harbor Transit’s staff did
a GREAT job on Coast Guard Saturday.
8. Transportation Director Report: Scott Borg
-No cases of Covid-19 for the months of May & June 2022
-Harbor Transit is investigating replacing RouteMatch dispatching software.
-Three new buses are on order through MDOT Pilot Program thru Tesco. Scheduled delivery date is
-MDOT/MSU Survey: first survey, conducted in June was lost in the mail so a new team conducted a
new survey in July. Final results are expected sometime late August.
-Harbor Transit participated in Bus rodeo, 1 driver, held in Frankenmuth July 28 & 29. Goal for next
year 2-3 drivers.
-Open Board Position: One At-Large Board member Position and (LAC) Local Advisory Council Position.
Interview for LAC position, from Village of Spring Lake on Aug 28th
-First bus with wrap, for St John’s School, advertising on inside of buses for Mercy Health connection.
9. General Comments/Discussions from LAC members
Christina asked about bike rakes on buses. Sr Center is planning a biking event
Norm likes Facebook posts
Mercy Health Connection numbers are going up
Chrysteen asked if there was any feedback on bus wrap advertising
Carrie asked who rode the trolley during the Coast Guard Parade
10. The Local Advisory Committee’s next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday,
November 16, 2022, 1:15pm at the Grand Haven Community Center
11. Adjournment @ 2pm
Harbor Transit Local Advisory Council Meeting Minutes 5/18/2022
Harbor Transit Local Advisory Council 2022 Meeting Schedule
Ridership Report
Coast Guard Park and Ride Report
Ridership Complaints
HTMMTS Board Meeting Minutes July 27, 2022