Harbor Transit Multi-Modal Transportation System
Local Advisory Council (LAC) Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, November 10, 2021
at 1:15 PM., Grand Haven Community Center
Meeting was called to order by Roger White, Chairperson at 1:22 PM.
Members Present: Roger White, Chairperson
Norman Cunningham
Ray Harz
Chrysteen Moelter-Gray
Carrie Uthe
Warren Roosen
Non-Member Present: Christina Shannon – Four Pointes (Council on Aging)
Harbor Transit Staff: Scott Borg, Transportation Director
Dana Appel, Finance & Compliance Director
Tom Burghardt, Operations Supervisor
John Phillips, Safety & Training Coordinator
Annelise Walker, Marketing Coordinator
Harbor Transit Staff Not Present: Melvin Barkley, Operations Director
Chairperson motioned to move item 5.H. introductions of new Operations Director and Operations Supervisor to item 3.
Minutes of the February 9, 2021 HTMMTS LAC meeting approved. Motion by White. All approved.
Discussion of ridership numbers. 2016 to present. COVID has cut ridership by 50%. Ridership has plateaued the last three months.
Operations Supervisor shared HT has accepted for a PILOT program from MDOT for 1 new bus. HT has ordered (3) of this type of bus and expects delivery within 4-6 months.
Discussion of 2023 Vehicle Accessibility Plan. Dana requested that the minutes reflect that as of, today, November 10, 2021 the LAC membership is down by four. Our fleet has been reduced by 3, fair structure is now a two-tiered structure with no price increase for day in advanced ride request. HT has placed an ad in the Grand Haven Tribune, on our website and shared with the local municipalities of the open positions. White motioned to approve second by Uthe.
Carrie Uthe was elected new Chairperson for 2022. Nominated by Moelter-Gray. All approved.
2022 meeting dates were approved as presented. Motioned by White. All approved.
Discussion and recommendations of how to increase ridership. Christina shared residents of Four Pointes are not riding HT due to COVID concerns and too many students riding.
Roger White announced he was resigning from the HTMMTS Local Advisory Committee. All members and Staff thanked him for his time of serving on this committee and wished him well.
Meeting adjourned at 2:42 pm. White motioned. Second by Uthe.