Harbor Transit Multi-Modal Transportation System
Local Advisory Council Meeting Minutes
August 16, 2023, at 1:15 P.M., Central Park Place
1. Meeting called to order at 1:15 p.m. by Carrie Uthe, Chairperson
2. Roll Call by the Board Chair
- Norman Cunningham – present
- Angie Devries – absent
- Lisa Greenwood – present
- Ray Harz – absent
- Chrysteen Moelter-Gray – present
- Heather Phillips – present
- Warren Roosen – absent
- Christina Shannon – present
- Carrie Uthe – present
- Sarah Wheeler – present
3. Amend Agenda – Motion by Moelter-Gray to amend agenda to discuss the passing of Council Member Warren Roosen, Greenwood second.
4. Call to Audience – No comments.
5. General Business:
a. Approval of the May 17, 2023, Meeting Minutes – Motion by Greenwood, second by Wheeler.
b. Discussion/Action, Status of Mr. Ray Harz – Burghardt cannot reach
Harz regarding his status as a council member. Motion to remove
Harz from Local Advisory Council by Cunningham, second by Moelter-Gray.
c. Discussion/Action, Status of Mr. Warren Roosen – Burghardt shared the passing of Roosen. Motion to remove Roosen from Local Advisory Council by Greenwood, second by Shannon. Uthe requested Harbor Transit recognize both Harz and Roosen for their years of service to the LAC. Burghardt will begin recruitment for the open council seats. Borg notified Council of interest by John Phillips’, former Safety & Training Coordinator of Harbor Transit. Uthe will reach out to City Manager Bessinger regarding open Ferrysburg seat.
d. Discussion, Viability of HTMMTS connection with MATS – Burghardt and Borg shared progress and ridership numbers for the MATS connection. Discussion occurred – Trinity Health does not charge for stop location; Grand Haven Area Community Foundation (GHACF) does not currently assist, Appel will contact GHACF; Justice 40 population in Muskegon County; support letter for connection site will be sent to Senator Victory’s office; Greenwood noted concerns that the connection was too hard for her; Phillips noted she would like to try the connection; Uthe noted she does not want to see the connection ended, as it is too new.
e. Discussion, Notice of Public Hearing to Reinstate Fares – Burghardt shared the public notice information regarding reinstating fares, approximate start date in November. Walker further discussed the public hearing information and survey. Appel noted the Board will take action in September. Uthe asked about the new, electronic dispatching system. Borg estimated implementation date of system in mid-November. No comments made on fare reinstatement.
6. Reports
a. Operations Report – Burghardt shared operation numbers and report. Borg shared Coast Guard weekend ridership numbers. Burghardt complimented staff on great service provided during the Coast Guard Festival. Greenwood, Wheeler, and Uthe noted use of Harbor Transit during Coast Guard week and positive experiences. Cunningham shared positive interaction with bus operator and how much the operator likes the work he does for Harbor Transit. Greenwood shared that she was no-showed twice, as the operator went to wrong location for pickup. Phillips shared concerns with a frequent rider’s hearing and the same rider trying to board busses without scheduling a ride.
b. Marketing Report – Walker shared initiatives and marketing updates. Uthe shared Nextdoor app consideration.
c. Finance Report – Appel shared financial update: healthy position, expect expenses to end year up by 4%, and no concerns with negative net position.
d. Transportation Directors Report – Borg shared updates on grants and new dispatch software. Further discussion occurred regarding what agencies use the dispatching software Via. Uthe asked about property purchase. Borg noted an update would be provided soon.
e. Board Members’ Comments
• Moelter-Gray noted that the return to fare collection was to be expected. Moelter-Gray also noted she would hate to see the MATS connection dropped, as it needs to be nurtured.
• Wheeler noted agreement with Moelter-Gray and stated she does not want to disenfranchise people who use the MATS connection site, adding it would be a disservice to end it.
• Phillips noted that getting out into the community is what keeps her going and less depressed.
• Uthe will speak on the MATS connection site, during public comments, at the next Spring Lake Township meeting.
Motion by Wheeler for the LAC to support the MATS connection site, second by Moelter-Gray.
7. Adjournment – meeting adjourned at 2:28 p.m.
Next regularly scheduled Harbor Transit Local Advisory Committee meeting will be held on November 15, 2023, at 1:15 p.m., at Central Park Place.