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November 25, 2024 Regular Board Meeting Minutes

Regular HTMMTS Board Meeting Minutes

November 25, 2024
City of Grand Haven

1. Meeting called to order by President Craig Bessinger at 4:30 PM.

2. Roll Call:
Present: Craig Bessinger, Bill Cargo, Bill Cate, Gordon Gallagher, Ashley Latch, Deanna McIntyre, Brady Selner, & Joel TePastte
Absent: Kevin McLaughlin, Cathy Pavick, & Will Whittemore
Also Present: Dana Appel, Scott Borg, Andrea Dumbrell, Annelise Walker, & Carrie Uthe (Local Advisory Council)

3. Additions/Corrections to the Agenda: Bessinger noted that Item 6, New Business, should be Item 7 and that Item 7, Old Business, should be Item 6.

4. General Business/Call to Audience Opened at 4:31 PM: Carrie Uthe addressed the Board on topics from the Local Advisory Council (LAC):
• Concerns about future plans for connections to other locations and transit systems, particularly Allendale and Holland.
• The need for a community liaison position within HTMMTS.
• A desire for extended HTMMTS operating hours up to 11:00 PM on weekdays.
• Openings on the LAC.
Closed at 4:37 PM

5. Consideration for Approval of Consent Agenda:
a. Approval of Sep 25, 2024 HTMMTS Board Meeting Minutes
b. Approval of Regular agenda (as amended — see item 3)
c. Approval of Payable Warrant
d. File/Receive Financial Report
e. Approval of FY2025/26 Estimated Budget
f. EEO Data
g. Approval of Updated Operations Policy to Include Code of Ethics
h. File/Receive Local Advisory Council Meeting Minutes
Motion by Cargo, second by TePasste to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Motion carried.

6. Old Business: Discussion on Harbor Transit Laker Trolley Loop:
The board discussed the effects of fare reinstatement on ridership, the HTMMTS contract with the Village of Fruitport, route optimization efforts, exploration of ways to condense the deviated fixed route (Laker Loop), and marketing and outreach efforts.

7. New Business
a. Resolution to Approve 2027/29 State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) Projects. Motion by Gallgher, second by Cargo to approve. Motion carried.
b. Resolution to Approve Safety Management System (SMS):
• Borg advised that SMS includes data analysis and measures for the safety of the bus operators.
Motion to approve by Cargo, second by TePastte. Motion carried.

8. Reports
a. Marketing Report (Annelise Walker)
• HTMMTS continues to offer a free rides promotion to encourage non-riders to try Harbor Transit.
• Community engagement efforts include visits to Four Pointes, participation in the annual Boomerang Career Fair and the Haunted Haven Halloween event.
• In December HTMMTS will use one of the Lakeshore Trolleys to provide weekend park-n-ride service for the Spring Lake Sparkle Festival.
• In January 2025 HTMMTS will provide a shuttle for the Grand Haven Winterfest.
b. Operations Report (Scott Borg)
• Total ridership continues to be down; currently by 18% from last year, 11% YTD.
• Trinity at the Lakes ridership is down in comparison to last year, but up from 2022.
• Monthly on-time ratings for pick-ups and drop-offs is at 93% and 92% respectively.
• No-shows continue a downward trend, thanks to improved rider communication and accountability.
• A Harbor Transit bus collided with a passenger vehicle, causing property damage but no injuries. There were no vehicle road calls.
c. Transportation Director’s Report (Scott Borg)
• Harbor Transit is scheduled for an FTA Triennial Review in 2025.
• Harbor Transit and the ASC Environmental Group submitted our Joint Permit Application on July 26, 2024, and we met with EGLE to review the project details on Oct 23. We are waiting further direction from EGLE regarding the next steps before submitting the final application to proceed with construction.
• The Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment was updated on Oct 17; the draft Archaeology and Above Grounds Reports were submitted to FTA on Nov 11; and ASC estimates the NEPA Review will be ready to submit to FTA by Feb 2025.

9. Board Member Comments: None

10. Meeting Adjourned at 5:07 PM.

11. Next Regularly Scheduled Board Meeting: 4:30 PM, Jan 22, 2025, Grand Haven Township, 13300 168th Avenue, Grand Haven, MI 49417

September 25, 2024 Regular Board Meeting Minutes

Regular HTMMTS Board Meeting Minutes
September 25, 2024
City of Grand Haven

1. Meeting called to order by President Craig Bessinger at 4:30 PM.

2. Roll Call:
Present: Craig Bessinger, Bill Cate, Ashley Latch, Kevin McLaughlin, Cathy Pavick & Will Whittemore
Absent: Bill Cargo, Gordon Gallagher, Deanna McIntyre, & Joel TePastte
Also Present: Dana Appel, Scott Borg, Tom Burghardt Jr., Annelise Walker, & Jim Koens (Muskegon Area Transit System)

3. Approval of July 24, 2024 HTMMTS Board Meeting Minutes.
Motion by Pavick, second by McLaughlin to approve the minutes of the July 24, 2024 meeting minutes. Motion carried.

4. Additions/Corrections to the Agenda:
• Correct Item 7c to FY2024 and Item 7d to FY2024/25. Change the title of Item 9a to “Discussion/Action on Executive Director Performance Appraisal.”

5. Approval of Regular Agenda:
Motion by Pavick, second by McLaughlin to approve the regular agenda as corrected. Motion carried.

6. General Business/Call to Audience: None.

7. Consideration for Approval of Consent Agenda:
a. Discussion/Action of Payable Warrant
b. File/Receive Financial Report
c. Approval of FY2024 Final Amended Budget
d. Review FY2023/24 Budget pre-implementation review of budget.
i. Capital Projects
ii. COLA-Wage Scale
d. Approval of Fiscal Year 2024-25 Bi-Monthly Regular Meeting Dates
Motion by McLaughlin, second by Cate to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Motion carried.

8. Old Business
Discussion on Harbor Transit Laker Trolley Loop at the November Meeting

9. New Business
a. Discussion Action on Executive Director Performance Appraisal
• Dumbrell reported that Borg’s review was completed on Sep 10 and thanked all review participants. The Board approved an evergreen agreement last year so the Board will not have to approve an employment agreement any longer. The appraisal was a 360-degree appraisal and Scott received high scores from all. Scott is at the top of the wage scale, and he will receive a COLA increase beginning October 1.
• Pavick and McLaughlin thanked and congratulated Borg.
b. Discussion/Action to elect or re-elect HTMMTS Board Officers: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Pavick moved that all current officers be nominated and elected to serve another year, second by McLaughlin. Motion carried.
c. Discussion/Action on Propane Contract
• Borg reported that Wesco submitted the lowest bid for propane for FY2024/25/26 at $1.1385 per gallon.
• Motion to approve by Latch, second by Pavick. Motion carried.
d. Discussion/Action on Construction Manager at Risk
• Borg recommended awarding the Christman Company the contract as Construction Manager at Risk for Harbor Transit’s new facility project and to instruct the Harbor Transit Executive Director to being contract agreement as presented.
• Motion to approve by McLaughlin, second by Pavick. Motion carried.

a. Marketing Report (Annelise Walker)
• HTMMTS is offering a free rides promotion to encourage non-riders to try Harbor Transit.
• HTMMTS is now advertising in the Four Pointes monthly newsletter.
• All municipalities within our service area will include information about HTMMTS in their newsletters.
• HTMMTS will participate in the Boomerang Career Event at Grand Haven High School.
• The new rate for bus wraps will be $200 beginning Oct 1, 2024 (up from $100).
b. Operations Report (Tom Burghardt Jr.)
• Total ridership continues to be down; currently by 22% YTD.
• Trinity at the Lakes ridership is comparable to previous years.
• Monthly on-time ratings for pick-ups and drop-offs is at 89% and 94% respectively.
• No-shows are down considerably, thanks to improved rider communication and accountability.
• There were no safety incidents since the last board meeting.
c. Transportation Director’s Report (Scott Borg)
• Rides on Coast Guard Saturday totaled 5,016, an increase of 823 over 2023.
• Rides for the Folds of Honor Golf Tournament totaled 1,307, a slight decrease from 2023 (1,371), but higher than 2022 (516).
• Aug 18 was Harbor Transit’s 49th Anniversary.
• The ASC Group is currently working on the NEPA Study for the 172nd Ave. property. The FTA granted a Categorical Exclusion (CE), but the property must still undergo a review to ensure no extraordinary circumstances exist that could lead to significant environment issues. ASC estimates that the NEPA will be completed by Apr or May 2025, so ground breaking could take place by May or June.
• The Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources for GHAPS sent an email to parents advising that they don’t believe Harbor Transit is a viable transportation option for elementary and intermediate school students. Borg estimates this caused a reduction in ridership of about 50. Borg and Appel are working with GHAPS to mitigate this situation and assure GHAPS that Harbor Transit want to continue working with them.

9. Board Member Comments: None

10. Meeting Adjourned at 5:05 PM.

11. Next Regularly Scheduled Board Meeting: 4:30 PM, Nov 20, 2024, City of Grand Haven, 519 Washington Ave, Grand Haven, MI 49417

August 14, 2024 Local Advisory Council Meeting Minutes


August 14, 2024 at 1:15 P.M., Central Park Place

1. Meeting called to order at 1:15pm by Carrie Uthe.

2. Roll Call
Norman Cunningham – Present
Angie Devries – Absent
Chrysteen Moelter-Gray – Present
Lisa Greenwood – Absent
Heather Phillips – Present
John Phillips – Present
Christina Shannon – Present
Sarah Wheeler – Present
Carrie Uthe – Present
Rebecca Hopp – Present
Kim Sibilsky – Present
Also present – Scott Borg, Andrea Dumbrell, Brian Woline, Annelise Walker

3. Approve or Change Agenda
– No changes. Motion to approve by John Phillips, Cunningham seconds.

4. Call to Audience
– No comments.

5. General Business
a. Approval of the May 15, 2024 Meeting Minutes
– Motion to approve by Shannon, Moulter-Gray seconds.
b. Discussion/Action Members with upcoming term expirations
– Uthe reminds members that some terms are coming to an end in November 2024, and asks them to consider whether or not they would like to continue with the committee.
c. Discussion, HT LAC delegates-roles in community
– Borg expresses appreciation for the LAC members and the different skills, experiences and connections they offer to assist Harbor Transit.
– Borg discusses the FTA’s long term goal for regionalization of public transportation.
– Hopp mentions the importance of providing education to the municipalities we serve.
d. Discussion, HT liaison role
– Uthe suggests that as Harbor Transit grows, hiring a Community Liaison position may be helpful.
e. Discussion, Four Pointes to educate its members on riding Harbor Transit
– Sibilsky expresses desire to see more clear information and education about Harbor Transit services. She suggested a fixed sign in the lobby with information. Shannon explains the signage, and phone for member use, that is currently at Four Pointes, but is open to additional or larger signage.
– Uthe asks if there is a way for Four Pointes staff to assist riders waiting. Woline explains the process of using the Lakeshore Go web app.
f. Discussion, utilizing community newsletters/Social Media to inform others about Harbor Transit services.
– Hopp mentions Ferrysburg newsletter as an option for educating community.
– Uthe mentions Spring Lake Township and Village newsletters for other options.
g. Discussion, Identify/Utilize LAC member’s talents to assist with advocacy and other outreach when needed
– No additional comments at this time.

6. Reports
a. Operations Report – Scott Borg
– Borg mentions that ridership is down, Soccer in the Sand ridership was down as well due to poor weather.
– Lakeshore Trolley numbers were lower this year, likely due to the implementation of fares.
– Trinity at the Lakes stop ridership continues to increase.
– On time performance is good at 93%.
b. Coast Guard Report – Scott Borg
– Harbor Transit transported more riders during the 2024 festival than in 2023. Overall the operation was successful and things went smoothly.
– Harbor Transit also operated a shuttle throughout the week of the festival.
– Borg addresses the question of not using Harbor Island as a parking location on Coast Guard Saturday, explaining that traffic control is unmanageable.
c. Marketing Report – Annelise Walker
– Walker shares recent marketing initiatives, including community engagement at the Farmers Market, YMCA, and Coast Guard Grand Parade. Mentions Rider Survey going out through Via. Uthe suggests putting out an announcement letting riders know they may be getting an email or a pop-up in the app to take the survey.
d. Finance Report – Brian Woline
– Woline shares an update on Harbor Transit budget and expenditures, and funding for the new operations center.
e. Transportation Directors Report – Scott Borg
– Borg mentions the $16.2 grant award for the new facility.
– Bus order placed in 2021 has been fulfilled.
– The NEPA study at the new facility site will be given a Categorical Exclusion.
– Spring Lake Village/Township Millage renewal passed.

7. Board Members’ Comments
– John Phillips suggests putting out more information about the basic concept of Demand- Response rides.
– Wheeler – Suggests starting a “Travel Training” class on a regular basis.
– Uthe suggests handouts about Harbor Transit services for the courts to have on hand for people who lose their drivers license.

8. Adjournment: 2:51pm.

Next regularly scheduled Harbor Transit Local Advisory Council meeting will be held on
November 13, 2024, at 1:15 PM, at Central Park Place.

May 22, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes

Harbor Transit Multi-Modal Transportation System Board Meeting Minutes

May 22, 2024 Ferrysburg City Hall, Room #5, Ferrysburg, MI 49409

1. Meeting called to order by President Craig Bessinger at 4:30 PM.

2. Roll Call: Present: Craig Bessinger , Bill Cargo , Cathy Pavick , Ashley Latsch , Kevin McLaughlin , Will
Wittemore , Joel TePastte , Brady Selner
Absent: Gordon Gallagher , Bill Cate , Deanna McIntyre
Also Present: Scott Borg, Dana Appel , Annelise Walker , Bri an Woline

3. Approval of March 27, 2024 HTMMTS Board Meeting Minutes
Motion by McLaughlin, second by TePastte to approve the minutes of the March 27, 2024 meeting minutes. Motion carried.

4. Additions/Corrections to the Agenda: None.

5. Approval of Regular Agenda:
Motion by Pavick, second by TePastte to approve the agenda. Motion carried.

6. General Business/Call to Audience: None.

7. Consideration for Approval of Consent Agenda:
a.Approval of Payable Warrants
b.Filing/Receiving Financial Reports
c.Discussion/Action on Trolley Agreement with Village of Fruitport
i.Bill Cargo requested clarification on whether the agreement would cover
its operating costs. In response, Scott Borg provided insight by explaining
how Fruitport’s contribution is allocated towards the total annual
operating expenses for the trolley system. Borg further elaborated on the
cost allocation method, noting that Fruitport’s contribution is bas ed on
the actual costs associated with servicing the designated route.
ii.Craig Bessinger inquired about the potential flexibility of the 10:00 PM
trolley service ending time during periods of low demand, such as
inclement weather. Scott Borg explained that shifts may be shortened in
these circumstances.
d.Discussion/Action on Update to Personnel Manual
e.Discussion/Action on Update to Financial and Procurement Policy & Procedure
Manual (including FTA required procurement procedures)
f.Approval of Local Advisory Council Applicants
g.Filing/Receiving Local Advisory Council Meeting Minutes
Motion by Cargo, second by Selner to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Motion carried.

8. New Business:
a. Harbor Transit Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program: The board reviewed and approved the DBE program with no discussion or amendments.
Motion by Cargo to approve Harbor Transit Disadvantage Business Enterprise (DBE) Program as presented, support by TePastte. Motion carried.

9. Reports:
a. Marketing: Annelise Walker presented information on upcoming summer events and a new trolley tracking tool that will available this summer.
b. Operations: Scott Borg provided a report on the overall growth in ridership, specifically noting an increase in riders traveling to the Trinity at the Lakes stop for medical appointments and by college students. The analysis also included a detailed breakdown of ridership based on origin and destination. Additionally, it was highlighted that there has been a notable reduction in the number of no-shows since the reintroduction of fares.
i. Will Wittemore inquired about pre-payment for no-show rides. Scott Borg addressed and clarified the policy, noting that payment is dependent on the LakeshoreGo app.
ii. Cathy Pavick identified a discrepancy in the ridership data totals. Scott Borg concurred.
c. Executive Director’s Report: Scott Borg acknowledged and commended Andrea Dumbrell on her successful completion of the Leadership Connect program. He also discussed the recent property damage incident at the 172nd Street facility, noting that compensation has been received from the former property owner. The funds will be used towards the new facility. Borg highlighted the submission of congressionally directed spending requests for the new facility to Congresswoman Hillary Scholten and Senator Gary Peters. Additionally, he mentioned the ongoing delay in receiving three buses that were ordered three years ago, with no update on their expected arrival.
i. Bill Cargo requested an update concerning the progress of the building project regarding EGLE (Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy). Scott Borg confirmed EGLE had completed their analysis in October of 2023.

10. Board Member Comments: None.

11. Meeting Adjourned: 4:45 PM.

Next Regularly Scheduled Board Meeting: 4:30 PM, July 24, 2024, Village of Spring Lake Administrative Offices, 102 West Savidge Street, Spring Lake, MI 49456.

July 24, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes

Regular HTMMTS Board Meeting Minutes

July 24, 2024
Village of Spring Lake

Meeting called to order by President Craig Bessinger at 4:30 PM.

Roll Call:
Present: Craig Bessinger, Bill Cargo, Bill Cate, Gordon Gallagher, Ashley Latch, Deanna McIntyre, Cathy Pavick, & Brady Selner
Absent: Kevin McLaughlin, Joel TePastte, & Will Whittemore
Also Present: Dana Appel, Scott Borg, Tom Burghardt Jr., & Annelise Walker.

Approval of May 22, 2024 HTMMTS Board Meeting Minutes.
Motion by Gallagher, second by Pavick to approve the minutes of the May 22, 2024 meeting minutes. Motion carried.

Additions/Corrections to the Agenda: None.

Approval of Regular Agenda:
Motion by Pavick, second by Gallagher to approve the regular agenda. Motion carried.

General Business/Call to Audience: None.

Consideration for Approval of Consent Agenda:
– Discussion/Action of Payable Warrant
– File/Receive Financial Report
– File/Receive FY2024 Estimated Final Budget
– Discussion/Action of Updated Personnel Manual
– Discussion/Action of No-Show & Cancellation Policy
Motion by Gallagher, second by Cargo to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Motion carried.

Marketing (Walker):
Lakeshore Trolley use and tracking information is available on the Transit app. She also highlighted advertising for the trolley and Beach Express on radio and social media, an engaged rider survey through the Lakeshore-Go app, and the Coast Guard Festival park-and-ride promotion.
HTMMTS sponsored a children’s activity/craft table at the July 3 Farmers Market.
Four-Pointes has purchased a bus wrap that will be installed in August and Eastown Auto has renewed their wrap contract.

Operations (Borg):
Overall ridership continues a downward trend in comparison with pre-pandemic levels. Resumption of fare collection may be a factor. Also, the GHAPS school year ending in May this year as opposed to June in previous years, which reduced June’s ridership. Cargo expressed concerns about the downward trend in 4 out of the last 6 months and suggested that HTMMTS staff needs to address it. Gallagher suggested a review and discussion at the November board meeting.
No-shows are down significantly over last year and on-time performance (both pick-ups and drop-offs) is holding steady at approximately 90%.
There was one bus crash without injuries due to a bus driver error. This crash also generated a road cal for towing.

Transportation (Borg):
Thanks to Appel and other HTMMTS staff for their hard work on the construction grant that was awarded on July 16. $16,252,400 in Federal Grant Funding was awarded and MDOT will match 20%.
The Bus Order that Harbor Transit placed on November 3, 2021 was finally filled on July 10, 2024. These units will be in service within the next couple of weeks.
The ASC Environmental Group sent the FTA an Environmental Class of Action request for the property located on 172nd Ave in Grand Haven, Township. This request went to the FTA on July 17, 2024. ASC submitted the Environmental Class of Action as a Categorical Exclusion meaning the categories of actions do not involve significant environmental impacts and are exempt from detailed environmental review.
Harbor Transit sent out an RFP for Construction Manager at Risk to seven contractors in West MI with responses due by August 9, 2024.

Board Member Comments:
Bessinger advised that Borg’s annual performance review is due soon.
Pavick extended congratulations to HTMMTS staff for their work of the grant application. She commented on a Local Advisory Council desire to see a Harbor Transit connection to Allendale. This would provide access to the greater Grand Rapids area, including the airport, as well as transportation for GVSU students. She also advised that a facility manager be involved in design and development of the new operations center.

Meeting Adjourned at 4:50 PM
Next Regularly Scheduled Board Meeting: 4:30 PM, Sep 25, 2024, City of Grand Haven, 519 Washington Ave, Grand Haven, MI 49

March 27, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes

Harbor Transit Board Meeting Minutes

March 27, 2024
Spring Lake Township

1. Meeting called to order by President Craig Bessinger at 4:30 PM.

2. Roll Call:
Present: Craig Bessinger, Bill Cate, Gordon Gallagher, Deanna McIntyre, Cathy Pavick, Brady Selner, & Will Whittemore
Absent: Bill Cargo, Ashley Latch, Kevin McLaughlin, & Joel TePastte
Also Present: Dana Appel, Scott Borg, Andrea Dumbrell, Peter Haefner, & Annelise Walker.

3. Approval of Jan 24, 2024 HTMMTS Board Meeting Minutes.
Motion by Gallagher, second by Pavitch to approve the minutes of the Jan 24, 2024 meeting
minutes. Motion carried.

4. Additions/Corrections to the Agenda: None.

5. General Business/Call to Audience: None.

6. Consideration for Approval of Consent Agenda:
a. Approval of FY2024 Amended Budget
b. Approval of FY2024 Capital Grant Projects
c. Approval of New Brochure Advertising Fee
d. Approval of Payable Warrant
e. Receive/File Financial Statements
f. Receive/File LAC Meeting Minutes
Motion by Gallagher, second by Cate to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Motion

7. New Business:
a. Discussion/Action on the Harbor Transit 2023 Financial Audit:
Peter Haefner of Vredeveld Haefner LLC presented a summary of his findings in the 2023
Financial Audit. The audit went smoothly and the Harbor Transit staff was very helpful.
Motion by McIntyre, second by Gallagher to accept the 2023 Financial Audit as presented.
Motion carried.
b. Discussion/Action one Harbor Transit’s Section 125 Cafeteria Plan Policy:
Human Resource Director Andrea Dumbrell presented a report on the 125 Cafeteria Plan
Policy for health insurance options. Currently, there are 18 HTMMTS employees receiving
insurance benefits under the plan.
Motion by Gallagher, second by McIntyrer to approve the Section 125 Cafeteria Plan
Policy as presented. Motion carried.

8. Reports:
a. Marketing: Annelise Walker provided copies of the 2022-23 Annual Report to the
members. She reported on the most recent visit to/from students from Ferry/Voyager
Elementary School under a partnership with the Tri-Cities Chamber of Commerce. She also
highlighted a Public Service Announcement (PSA) program whereby charitable
organizations can advertise programs inside busses for up to 90 days at no charge.
b. Operations: Scott Borg presented data on various aspects of ridership. Overall ridership is
still lower than pre-pandemic levels, but appears to be trending upwards. They have
started tracking on-time performance, both for pick-ups and drop-off; overall they are
trending at 89% on-time in both categories. No-shows have been greatly reduced, thanks
to the Lakeshore Go App. There was one crash with an injury in Feb 2024, as well as two
calls for road service.
c. Transportation: Scott Borg reported on:
• Current Congressionally Directed Spending Requests through the office of US Senator
Gary Peters for FY2025. HTMMTS made it through the first two rounds last year, but
did not make the final cut.
• The Michigan Municipal League (MML) conducted a loss control visit in Jan 2024 with
no recommendations.
• VIA will track On Time Performance a (OTP) by both arrival and departure times.
• Environmental NEPA Study Preliminary Building Footprint: Harbor Transit is currently
working with Progressive AE to develop a foot print for the Environmental Firm to work
with. This will allow the firm to complete the NEPA on only the land that Harbor
Transit intends to use and will result in an overall cost savings for the study. NTH
Environmental estimates the NEPA process will not be completed until late summer

9. Board Member Comments:
• Cathy Pavick commended Dana Appel on the results of the Financial Audit.
• Brady Selner commented he was looking forward to working with the board.

10. Meeting Adjourned at 5:08 PM

11.Next Regularly Scheduled Board Meeting: 4:30 PM, May 22, 2024, City of Ferrysburg, 17520
Ridge Ave, Ferrysburg.