Harbor Transit Multi-Modal Transportation System Local Advisory Council Meeting Minutes
February 14, 2024 at 1:15 P.M., Central Park Place
1. Meeting called to order 1:21pm by Carrie Uthe, Chair Person
2. Roll Call: Carrie Uthe, Christeen Moulter Gray, Christina Shannon, John Phillips, Heather Phillips, Lisa Greenwood, Norm Cunningham
Angie Devries – Absent
Sarah Wheeler – Absent
Harbor Transit Staff Present: Matt Guinn, Tom Burghardt, Andrea Dumbrell, Annelise Walker, Scott Borg
3. Call to Audience
Heather Phillips comment: Angie Devries likes the new app but was left by her bus due to walking slowly on the ice.
Burghardt has been pleased with how well the passengers are transitioning to the new software and app. Borg and Uthe echoed the sentiment.
Shannon shared that the Four Pointes group has done very well with the changes.
4. General Business
Approval of the November 18, 2023 minutes – motion Christina Shannon,
Seconded by John Phillips. Motion passes. 5. Reports:
A. Operations Update – Tom Burghardt.
5 of 8 new buses have arrived. Improved single position bike rack. All new
buses are propane fueled.
B. Marketing Report – Annelise Walker
C. Finance Report – Scott Borg
Mentions percentage of fees that Harbor Transit currently takes on from Stripe program for fare collection.
Norm Cunningham comment – It seems like a very long process to get the environmental study done. Borg shares that the next step in the study is processing boring samples.
D. Transportation Director’s Report – Scott Borg
Ridership numbers dipped slightly during the first few weeks of fare collection, but have returned to normal levels.
NEPA study for new facility currently underway.
5 of 8 new buses have been received. Uthe asked if old buses will be kept – old buses will be put up for auction.
6. Board Member Comments:
Uthe – Harbor Transit was approved to be put on the Spring Lake Township ballot for the next referendum at the last Board Meeting.
Burghardt – LAC is still seeking a representative for Ferrysburg.
Borg – Expressed appreciation for LAC members and their contribution.
7. Meeting adjourned at 1:54pm. Next meeting is on May 15th, 2024.