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Harbor Transit Multi-Modal Transportation System (HTMMTS)

Board Meeting Minutes for April 28, 2021 (Via Zoom)

Meeting Called to Order by President Craig Bessinger at 4:30 p.m.

Roll Call
Present: Craig Bessinger (Ferrysburg, MI), Bob Monetza (Grand Haven, MI), Pat McGinnis (Grand Haven, MI), Cathy Pavick (Spring Lake Township, MI), Gordon Gallagher (Spring Lake Township, MI), Joel Tepaste (Spring Lake Village, MI), Chris Burns (Spring Lake Village, MI), Mike DeWitt (Ferrysburg, MI), Pete Lamourie (Grand Haven Township, MI), Bill Cargo (Grand Haven Township, MI)
Absent: None
Also Present: Scott Borg, Harbor Transit Director, Andrea Dumbrell, Grand Haven Township Human Resources Manager, Dana Appel, Senior Accountant and Compliance Manager

Approval of the March 24, 2021 HTMMTS Board Meeting MinutesMotion by Mike, second by Chris, to accept the minutes from the Meeting held
March 24, 2020.Yes: Pete Lamourie, Craig Bessinger, Bob Monetza, Bill Cargo, Pat McGinnis, Cathy Pavick, Gordon Gallagher, Joel Tepaste, Chris Burns, Mike DeWitt
Motion carries

Additions/Corrections to the Agenda
Scott mailed out item 7f to approve Robert Sullivan as Attorney for Harbor Transit.
Motion by Gordon, second by Cathy, to approve the agenda as amended.
Yes: Pete Lamourie, Craig Bessinger, Bob Monetza, Bill Cargo, Pat McGinnis, Cathy Pavick, Gordon Gallagher, Joel Tepaste, Chris Burns, Mike DeWitt
Motion carries

General Business / Call to Audience

Discussion/Action of Accounts Payable and Financial Statements
Motion by Pat to accept the Accounts Payable and Financial Statements as presented by staff. Second by Mike.
Yes: Pete Lamourie, Craig Bessinger, Bob Monetza, Bill Cargo, Pat McGinnis, Cathy Pavick, Gordon Gallagher, Joel Tepaste, Chris Burns, Mike DeWitt
Motion carries

Discussion/Action to approve Harbor Transit’s Advertising Policy and Regulations.
Added the word “exploitation” to qualify prohibited advertising content in regard to children and changed review committee.
Motion by Bill, second by Mike, to approve Advertising Policies and Regulations.
Yes: Pete Lamourie, Craig Bessinger, Bob Monetza, Bill Cargo, Pat McGinnis, Cathy Pavick, Gordon Gallagher, Joel Tepaste, Chris Burns, Mike DeWitt
Motion carries

Discussion/Action on the Operation and Maintenance Termination agreement between the City of Grand Haven, MI and Harbor Transit Multi-Modal Transportation System.
Craig suggested that this be tabled to give staff time to answer questions that we have for MDOT and MERS. Board members discussed whether we have enough information to move forward at this time or whether we should wait while we gather more information.
Motion by Mike to table the issue until the next meeting, second by Bill.
Yes: Bill Cargo, Pete LaMourie, Mike Dewitt, Craig Bessinger
No: Pat McGinnis, Bob Monetza, Chris Burns, Gordon Gallagher, Cathy Pavick, Joel Tepaste
Motion fails.
Motion by Gordon to approve the Operation and Maintenance Termination agreement between the City of Grand Haven, MI and Harbor Transit Multi-Modal Transportation System as presented.
Yes: Pat McGinnis, Bob Monetza, Chris Burns, Gordon Gallagher, Cathy Pavick, Joel Tepaste
No: Bill Cargo, Pete LaMourie, Mike Dewitt, Craig Bessinger
Motion carries.

Old Business – 18 Month Comprehensive Wage Study.
RFP is in its final stages. Will be going out to qualified consultants and should have proposals back in a couple of months.

Transportation Director’s Report – Scott Borg
Annelise Walker is our new part time marketing coordinator. Welcome Annelise! Planning to open up completely on May 1, 2021 (except for schools). Will follow all transportation requirements.

Discussion/Action to approve Attorney Robert E. Sullivan from Scholten Fant, as Harbor Transit’s Attorney.
Motion by Gordon to approve the hiring of attorney Robert Sullivan as recommended by staff, second by Cathy.
Yes: Pete Lamourie, Craig Bessinger, Bob Monetza, Bill Cargo, Pat McGinnis, Gordon Gallagher, Joel Tepaste, Chris Burns, Mike DeWitt
Motion carries

Board Member Comments:
Next Regularly scheduled Electronic Board Meeting will be held on May 26, 2021 at 4:30 PM via Electronic remote meeting unless otherwise noticed.