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August 14, 2024 at 1:15 P.M., Central Park Place

1. Meeting called to order at 1:15pm by Carrie Uthe.

2. Roll Call
Norman Cunningham – Present
Angie Devries – Absent
Chrysteen Moelter-Gray – Present
Lisa Greenwood – Absent
Heather Phillips – Present
John Phillips – Present
Christina Shannon – Present
Sarah Wheeler – Present
Carrie Uthe – Present
Rebecca Hopp – Present
Kim Sibilsky – Present
Also present – Scott Borg, Andrea Dumbrell, Brian Woline, Annelise Walker

3. Approve or Change Agenda
– No changes. Motion to approve by John Phillips, Cunningham seconds.

4. Call to Audience
– No comments.

5. General Business
a. Approval of the May 15, 2024 Meeting Minutes
– Motion to approve by Shannon, Moulter-Gray seconds.
b. Discussion/Action Members with upcoming term expirations
– Uthe reminds members that some terms are coming to an end in November 2024, and asks them to consider whether or not they would like to continue with the committee.
c. Discussion, HT LAC delegates-roles in community
– Borg expresses appreciation for the LAC members and the different skills, experiences and connections they offer to assist Harbor Transit.
– Borg discusses the FTA’s long term goal for regionalization of public transportation.
– Hopp mentions the importance of providing education to the municipalities we serve.
d. Discussion, HT liaison role
– Uthe suggests that as Harbor Transit grows, hiring a Community Liaison position may be helpful.
e. Discussion, Four Pointes to educate its members on riding Harbor Transit
– Sibilsky expresses desire to see more clear information and education about Harbor Transit services. She suggested a fixed sign in the lobby with information. Shannon explains the signage, and phone for member use, that is currently at Four Pointes, but is open to additional or larger signage.
– Uthe asks if there is a way for Four Pointes staff to assist riders waiting. Woline explains the process of using the Lakeshore Go web app.
f. Discussion, utilizing community newsletters/Social Media to inform others about Harbor Transit services.
– Hopp mentions Ferrysburg newsletter as an option for educating community.
– Uthe mentions Spring Lake Township and Village newsletters for other options.
g. Discussion, Identify/Utilize LAC member’s talents to assist with advocacy and other outreach when needed
– No additional comments at this time.

6. Reports
a. Operations Report – Scott Borg
– Borg mentions that ridership is down, Soccer in the Sand ridership was down as well due to poor weather.
– Lakeshore Trolley numbers were lower this year, likely due to the implementation of fares.
– Trinity at the Lakes stop ridership continues to increase.
– On time performance is good at 93%.
b. Coast Guard Report – Scott Borg
– Harbor Transit transported more riders during the 2024 festival than in 2023. Overall the operation was successful and things went smoothly.
– Harbor Transit also operated a shuttle throughout the week of the festival.
– Borg addresses the question of not using Harbor Island as a parking location on Coast Guard Saturday, explaining that traffic control is unmanageable.
c. Marketing Report – Annelise Walker
– Walker shares recent marketing initiatives, including community engagement at the Farmers Market, YMCA, and Coast Guard Grand Parade. Mentions Rider Survey going out through Via. Uthe suggests putting out an announcement letting riders know they may be getting an email or a pop-up in the app to take the survey.
d. Finance Report – Brian Woline
– Woline shares an update on Harbor Transit budget and expenditures, and funding for the new operations center.
e. Transportation Directors Report – Scott Borg
– Borg mentions the $16.2 grant award for the new facility.
– Bus order placed in 2021 has been fulfilled.
– The NEPA study at the new facility site will be given a Categorical Exclusion.
– Spring Lake Village/Township Millage renewal passed.

7. Board Members’ Comments
– John Phillips suggests putting out more information about the basic concept of Demand- Response rides.
– Wheeler – Suggests starting a “Travel Training” class on a regular basis.
– Uthe suggests handouts about Harbor Transit services for the courts to have on hand for people who lose their drivers license.

8. Adjournment: 2:51pm.

Next regularly scheduled Harbor Transit Local Advisory Council meeting will be held on
November 13, 2024, at 1:15 PM, at Central Park Place.