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Grand Haven Township Hall

January 22, 2020

Meeting Called to Order by President Craig Bessinger at 5:30 p.m.

Present:                 Craig Bessinger, Bob Monetza, Gordon Gallagher, Chris Burns, Joanne Marcetti, Mike DeWitt, Bill Cargo, Pat McGinnis, Cathy Pavick

Absent:                  Joel Tepaste, Pete LaMourie

Also Present:          Steven Patrick, Transportation Director


Approval November 13, 2019 HTMMTS Special Board Meeting Minutes

Motion by DeWitt, second by Gallagher to approve the minutes of November 13, 2019. Motion carries.


Approval of Regular Agenda

Motion by Gallagher, second by DeWitt, to approve the agenda as amended. Motion carries.


General Business / Call to Audience



New Business:


Public Hearing: Adoption of Harbor Transit’s Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Budget Draft

Chair Bessinger opened public hearing at 5:32 p.m.

No Public Comment

Chair Bessinger closed public hearing at 5:33 p.m.


Discussion/action on Millage Rate Increase for FY 2020-2021.

Motion by DeWitt, second by Marcetti, to increase the millage from .58 to .6 mills for the 2020-2021 fiscal year.

Motion carries.


Discussion/Action on Harbor Transit 2020-2021 Budget

Motion by Cargo, second by DeWitt, to approve the 2020-2021 Budget as presented.  Motion carries.


Discussion/Action on the FY 2021 Contract Clauses Certification.

Motion by Cargo, second by Burns to approve the Contract Clauses Certification. Motion carries.


Discussion/action on FY 2021 Resolution of Intent.

Motion by Marcetti, second by DeWitt to approve the 2020/2021 Resolution of Intent.


Discussion/Action on Accounts Payable

Motion by Cargo, second by Pavick, to approve the Accounts Payable as recommended by the Finance Committee. Motion carries.


Discussion/Action to Approve “Budgets and Budgetary Compliance Policy.”

Motion by Cargo, second by Monetza, to approve the Budgets and Budgetary Compliance Policy. Motion carries.


Discussion/Action on Financials, receive and file.

Motion by Gallagher, second by Burns to receive and file the Financial Report for December 2019. Motion carries.


Update on Discussions from the Finance Committee

Gordon reported that the committee would continue to review matters and make policy recommendations to the full board. Further, meetings should be posted as open meetings pursuant to the Open Meetings Act.


Transportation Director Report

Website update; working toward interactivity

New phone system ordered through GHAPS (CISCO)

Progressive AE is working on a conceptual plan for an eventual facility improvement


Anthony Dionese reported that there are more buses to be delivered in March and April of 2020. Anthony held up a thick packet of paper and explained that all compliance standards are included in the document he is holding.


Board Member Comments

Gordon presented a discussion about MATS and making a connection between the two systems. He presented a resolution to permit service across jurisdictional boundaries.

Motion by Bill, second by Chris, to approve a resolution to allow public transportation services across jurisdictional boundaries conditioned on Administrative staff review and running it by appropriate State or Federal agencies/authorities. Motion carries with Marcetti voting no.


Marcetti reported that she had read about electric buses and that we should be a leader in this arena.


McGinnis stated that he had read about free bus service in Kansas City and felt this was a valid concept to consider in Ottawa County.


Pavick commented that any new facility plans should be compliant with sustainability best practices.


Meeting adjourned at 6:53 p.m.


Next regularly scheduled Board Meeting will be held on, March 25, 2020 at 5:30 PM at Spring Lake Township Hall.