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July 24, 2019


Meeting Called to Order by President Craig Bessinger at 5:30 p.m.


Roll Call

Present:          Craig Bessinger, Bob Monetza, Gordon Gallagher, Chris Burns, Joanne Marcetti, Pete LaMourie, Mike DeWitt, Joel TePastte, Cathy Pavick

Absent:            Bill Cargo, Pat McGinnis


Also Present:   Steven Patrick, Transportation Director

Shelly Converse, Dana Appel


Approval May 22, 2019 HTMMTS Board Meeting Minutes

Steve Patrick clarified the sale of Harbor Trolley LLC’s assets/trolleys. The board agreed the sale of trolleys only was their intent and minutes were amended as follow: to transfer the Harbor Trolley LLC’s trolleys to the City of Grand Haven for $1 each contingent on details being worked out between Harbor Transit and Grand Haven.

Craig Bessinger requested to remove the sentence “Need to extend the current fiscal year by three months to establish”

Motion by Mike DeWitt, second by Bob Monetza to approve the May 22, 2019 amended minutes.


Approval of Regular Agenda

Motion by Gordon Gallagher, second by Mike DeWitt. Motion carries.



Open Public Hearing

President Bessinger opens the public hearing to receive public discussion at 5:32p.m. concerning the FY 2019 Capital and Operating Budget Draft B

Steve Patrick and Dana Appel reviewed the proposed budget and answered questions from Board Members. There were no public comments.

President Bessinger closed the public hearing at 5:45 p.m.


General Business/Call to Audience



New Business


Approval of the Budget and Millage Request

Motion by Joel TePastte, second by Mike DeWitt to approve the FY2019 Capital and Operating Budget. Motion carries.


Approval of the 2019 MDOT Master Agreement – Signature Resolution

Motion by Gordon Gallagher, second by Joanne Marcetti to approve. Motion carries.


Approval of Fiscal year 2019/2020 Meeting Dates

Motion by Chris Burns, second by Mike DeWitt to approve. Motion carries.


Approval of amendment of bylaws of new fiscal year

Motion by Mike DeWitt, second by Bob Monetza to approve. Motion carries.


New Business


Discussion on HTMMTS Board Financial and Budgetary Oversight

Board requested Steve and staff work together in creating policies following compliance with FTA/MDOT regulations and current local policy of capital purchase limit of $20,000 of Transportation Director.


Discussion of Millage Rate collection issue and more specifically for Spring Lake Township and Grand Haven Township.

Due to the change in fiscal year, Steve explained the local units will not be impacted in collecting taxes for Harbor Transit. If there would be any issue it would be a Harbor Transit issue due to the change in fiscal year.

The letter from the Attorney suggested Harbor Transit’s renewal millage for Spring Lake Township and Grand Haven Charter Township be submitted to the voters next year in August. The Attorney also suggested to change the millage request to four years to coincide with a general election in order to save any potential special election expenses.


Transportation Director’s Report        Steven Patrick

Steve was invited to a meeting in Muskegon to discuss transportation collaborations with Muskegon, Holland and Grand Rapids. The question was brought up why Muskegon and Grand Haven didn’t have an agreement of transit shared routes.


Operations Manager                          Anthony Dionise

Was not present, but Steve presented his report.

3 buses have been on order since Oct 30, 2018 still have not arrived.

Annual propane contract is at MDOT for approval.

1 bus and 1 trolley were permanently inoperable and will need $9,000 and $6,000 to fix.


Board Members Comments:

Joel TePastte would like to see on September’s agenda historical passenger fares and comparable Transportation Agencies rates.


Joanne Marcetti would like to see ridership reports at next meeting.


Gordon Gallagher suggested Harbor Transit should prepare for next year elections because it’s up to the taxing units to prepare the voters.


Gordon Gallagher commented on the great job Steve Patrick was doing and would like to extend his contract another two years, however, if Steve is planning on leaving in December 2019 they would like to start looking for the next Director. Craig Bessinger stated he has started the process.


General Business

Steve Patrick commented the millage rate will be set at .58 mills for the 2019/2020 fiscal year to the fact Harbor Transit finance staff did not meet the deadline for the Cities to approve. The millage rate did not change from prior year. The 2019/2020 budget was based on a millage rate of .58 mills and this ought to be included in adopting the budget. Motion by Joanne Marcetti, second by Mike DeWitt to approve the millage rate of .58 mills for 2019/2020 fiscal year. Motion carries.




Next Board Meeting will be held on September 25, 2019 at 5:30 PM at Village of Spring Lake Administrative Offices, 102 West Savidge Street, Spring Lake, MI  49456