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Meeting Conducted Virtually Using ZOOM


Meeting Called to Order by President Craig Bessinger at 4:30 p.m.


Present:                 Craig Bessinger, Bob Monetza, Joanne Marcetti, Mike DeWitt, Bill Cargo, Pat McGinnis, Cathy Pavick, Pete LaMourie, Gordon Gallagher (5:20 p.m.)

Absent:                  Joel Tepaste, Chris Burns

Also Present:          Steven Patrick, Transportation Director; Dana Appel, Finance & Compliance Coordinator; Andrea Dumbrell, GHT Human Resource Manager

Approval January 22, 2020 HTMMTS Board Meeting Minutes

Motion by Cargo, second by Monetza, to accept the minutes of the January 22


Yes:                        Craig Bessinger, Pete LaMourie, Bob Monetza, Joanne Marcetti, Mike DeWitt, Bill Cargo, Pat McGinnis, Cathy Pavick


No:                        None


Absent:                  Joel Tepaste, Gordon Gallagher, Chris Burns


Motion carries



Approval of Regular Agenda

Pat requested that the agenda be amended by adding the approval of an Electronic Meeting Policy for HTMMTS.


Motion by Bill, second by Pete, to approve the agenda as amended.


Yes:                        Craig Bessinger, Pete LaMourie, Bob Monetza, Joanne Marcetti, Mike DeWitt, Bill Cargo, Pat McGinnis, Cathy Pavick


No:                        None


Absent:                  Joel Tepaste, Gordon Gallagher, Chris Burns


Motion carries


Electronic Meeting Policy

Motion by Cargo, second by LaMourie, to approve the Electronic Meeting Policy as presented by Secretary McGinnis.


Yes:                        Craig Bessinger, Pete LaMourie, Bob Monetza, Joanne Marcetti, Mike DeWitt, Bill Cargo, Pat McGinnis, Cathy Pavick


No:                        None


Absent:                  Joel Tepaste, Gordon Gallagher, Chris Burns


Motion carries


General Business / Call to Audience

No calls were received nor comments posted on the Facebook Live feed.



New Business:


Discussion/action on Resolution authorizing public entity membership in the Western Michigan Health Insurance Pool (WMHIP) for a minimum three year period.


Motion by Cargo, second by Dewitt, to authorize public entity membership in the Western Michigan Health Insurance Pool (WMHIP) for a minimum three year period.



Yes:                        Craig Bessinger, Pete LaMourie, Bob Monetza, Joanne Marcetti, Mike DeWitt, Bill Cargo, Pat McGinnis, Cathy Pavick


No:                        None


Absent:                  Joel Tepaste, Gordon Gallagher, Chris Burns


Motion carries


Discussion/action on the appointment of the following persons as Trustee and lternate Trustee to serve as Trustee when the initial Trustee is not available or in attendance to carry out the Trustee’s duties on the WMHIP Board


Motion by Cargo, second by DeWitt, to appoint Steve Patrick as the Trustee and Dana Appel as the alternate.


Yes:                        Craig Bessinger, Pete LaMourie, Bob Monetza, Joanne Marcetti, Mike DeWitt, Bill Cargo, Pat McGinnis, Cathy Pavick


No:                        None


Absent:                  Joel Tepaste, Gordon Gallagher, Chris Burns


Motion carries


Discussion/action on providing “hazard pay” for all Harbor Transit Employees who physically worked during the Stay Home/Stay Safe” Executive Order, retroactive to the first EO


Cares Act awarded $1.8 million for COVID Related expenses. Steve advised that cost for hazard pay can be reimbursed by this grant money. The consensus was to hold off on agreeing to hazard pay until after it is confirmed that these costs can be paid with the CARES Act funding.


Discussion/action on extending pay for Harbor Transit employees staying at home for an additional eight weeks.


Cares Act awarded $1.8 million for COVID Related expenses. Steve advised that cost for paying for employees sent home can be reimbursed by this grant money.


Motion by Cargo to approve full pay for all employees not working up to a maximum total of eleven weeks, second by DeWitt.


Yes:                        Craig Bessinger, Pete LaMourie, Bob Monetza, Joanne Marcetti, Mike DeWitt, Bill Cargo, Pat McGinnis, Cathy Pavick, Gordon Gallagher

No:                        None


Absent:                        Joel Tepaste, Chris Burns


Motion carries