Harbor Transit Multi-Modal Transportation System (HTMMTS)
Board Meeting Minutes
Ferrysburg City Hall
May 22, 2019
Meeting Called to Order by Chair Bessinger at 5:32 p.m.
Roll Call
Present: Craig Bessinger, Bob Monetza, Gordon Gallagher, Patrick McGinnis, Joanne Marcetti, Pete LaMourie, Mike DeWitt, Joel TePastte, Cathy Pavick
Absent: Bill Cargo, Chris Burns
Also Present: Steven Patrick, Transportation Director, Anthony Dionese, Operations Manager, Shelley Converse, Dana Apple
Approval March 27, 2019 HTMMTS Board Meeting Minutes
Motion by Mike DeWitt, second by Bob Monetza, to accept the minutes of the March 27 HTMTS Board Meeting. Motion carries.
Approval of Regular Agenda
Motion by Cathy Pavick, second by Pat McGinnis, to approve the agenda as published today. Motion caries.
General Business / Call to Audience
New Business:
Discussion/action on extending HTMMTS 2018-2019 Fiscal Year from June 30, 2019 to September 30, 2019.
Need to extend the current fiscal year by three months to establish
Motion by Pat McGinnis, second by Mike DeWitt, to extend the current fiscal year form June 30, 2019 through September 30, 2019. Motion carries.
Discussion/action on 2018-2019 Fiscal Year budget amendments.
Twelve month projections expanded to reflect the extension of the fiscal year by three months.
Motion by Mike DeWitt to approve the proposed fiscal year budget agenda as presented, second by Joanne Marcetti. Motion carries.
Discussion/action to approve the “FY 2020 Resolution of Intent” as required by the Michigan Department of Transportation.
Motion by Pat McGinnis to approve the revised FY 2020 Resolution of Intent as proposed and recommended, second by Mike DeWitt. Motion carries.
Discussion/action on Credit Card Policy for Harbor Transit.
Motion by Gordon Gallagher, second by Bob Monetza, to approve the proposed credit card policy as presented by the staff.
Discussion/update on possible Assistant Operation’s Manager Hire.
Joanne Marcetti requested an organizational chart and expressed a concern that gender equity be closely observed in our organization. Steve Patrick reported that he was still evaluating organizational needs and may come forward in due course. Board members expressed general confidence in Steve’s direction.
Discussion and update on Transportation of Private Sector Employees Outside of Service Area: discussion with Muskegon Area Transit.
Steve met with Jim Koens, his counterpart at the Muskegon Areas Transit, and found general support for collaborative efforts between our systems to enhance public mobility in our region. Bob Monetza observed that we share the same Metropolitan Planning Organization (WMSRDC) and our connectivity may be enhanced through this connection.
Discussion/action on Adopting Millage Rate for Fiscal Year 2019-2020
Each unit has different mechanisms in place for authorization to collect transit millage.
Motion by DeWitt, second by Marcetti, to approve a millage request of .6 mills for the coming fiscal year. Motion carries.
Yes: Marcetti, DeWitt, LaMourie, Pavick, Gallagher, Bessinger
No: McGinnis, Tepastte, Monetza
Steve will work on a schedule to explain sources of local revenues, the time periods they cover and the proper authorization of collections across the units.
Discussion on Trolley.
Pat McGinnis requested that the trolley LLC service be transferred to the City of Grand Haven so that the service may continue in the tri-cities. Assets are sitting idle and the City is willing to oversee operations. If the board is supportive, Pat will connect with Steve and work out the details to our best advantage.
Moved by Marcetti, second by Lamourie, to transfer assets/trolleys to the City of Grand Haven for $1 each contingent on details being worked out between Harbor Transit and Grand Haven, Motion carries.
Transportation Director’s Report – Steven Patrick
No questions
Operations Manager – Anthony Dionise
Should be getting new gas buses in next month. Propane units a few months after that. We will then order four buses through a collaboration with Holland, and then three more shortly thereafter.
Board Members Comments:
- Craig Bessinger
- Michael DeWitt
From his experience, our bus drivers are model operators who obey and observe traffic laws
- Joanne Marcetti
Local auto repair shop wants to buy passes for Harbor Transit.
- Patrick McGinnis
Thanks to Shelley Converse for running the bike raffle for Harbor has a Heart and to Anthony and Steve for helping arrange for a trolley for the Sparty visit to Grand Haven last week.
- Gordon Gallagher
Need to explore authorization procedures and proper notice and timing of millage decisions at the Harbor Board and each unit.
- Cathy Pavick
Inquiry about possible extension of hours in the summertime.
Next regularly scheduled Board Meeting will be held on July 24, 2019 at 5:30 PM at City of Ferrysburg, 17290 Roosevelt, (use Ridge Road entrance) Ferrysburg, MI 49409.