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Spring Lake Village/Township Hall

September 30, 2019


Meeting Called to Order by President Craig Bessinger at 5:30 p.m.

Present:                Craig Bessinger, Bob Monetza, Gordon Gallagher, Chris Burns, Joanne Marcetti, Pete LaMourie, Mike DeWitt, Cathy Pavick, Bill Cargo, Pat McGinnis


Absent:                  Joel Tepaste


Also Present:         Steven Patrick, Transportation Director, Dana Appel, Anthony Dionese, Amy Bessinger, Emily Greene, Trina Robinson, Bonnie Suchecki


Approval July 25, 2019 HTMMTS Board Meeting Minutes

Motion by Mike DeWitt, second by Bob Monetza to approve the July 25, 2019 amended minutes. Motion carries.


Approval of Regular Agenda

Motion by Joanne Marcetti, second by Mike DeWitt. Motion carries.


New Business


Discussion/action on Fiscal Year 2018-2019 Budget Amendments

Motion by Bill support by Mike to approve the budget amendments.

Discussion followed on some specific questions by individual Board Members. McGinnis questioned increases in administrative costs and indicated he would not be supporting increased budget for redundant administrative services.


Yes:      Craig Bessinger, Bob Monetza, Gordon Gallagher, Chris Burns, Joanne Marcetti, Pete LaMourie, Mike DeWitt, Joel TePastte, Cathy Pavick, Bill Cargo

No:      Pat McGinnis


Motion carries.


Discussion/action on Harbor Transits expanded Administrative System.

Steve Patrick discussed when he first came on board he recognized many things that could be done differently. He explored administrative services and feels it can be done more efficiently by taking much of the administrative function in-house.


Board members discussed the concept of having administrative services provided by others or provided in-house.


Discussion/action on permanent Transportation Director’s Search.

Board members shared perspectives on when we should begin looking for a permanent director. Some felt we should move immediately and others felt we should wait until later in 2020. Mike advised that he felt we should hire a private firm to seek a new Director.


Motion by Bill Cargo to begin a search in February to look to replacing the Director by July 1, second by Joanne Marcetti. Motion carries.


Discussion/action to elect or re-elect HTMMTS Board Officers: President, Secretary, and Treasurer (currently not activated)

Motion by Bill Cargo to appoint Craig Bessinger as President, Bill Cargo as Vice President, Pat McGinnis as Secretary and Gordon Gallagher as Treasurer, second by Joanne Marcetti. Motion carries.


Motion by Gordon Gallagher to table items E, F and G, second by Marcetti.


Yes:      Craig Bessinger, Bob Monetza, Gordon Gallagher, Chris Burns, Joanne Marcetti, Pete LaMourie, Mike DeWitt, Joel TePastte, Cathy Pavick, Pat McGinnis

No:      Bill Cargo


Motion carries.


Discussion/action on financial policy adoption, Investment Policy, Financial Reporting Policy, and the Capital Asset Management Policy.  TABLED


Discussion/action to create a Financial Committee. TABLED


Discussion/action to approve a resolutio74n allowing Harbor Transit to utilize the financial /banking services of Chemical Bank, Huntington, Community Shores Bank, Flagstar Bank, and MI Class. TABLED


Operations Manager – Anthony Dionise

Bids were received for propane supply; it is coming in at a less costly 84 cents from $1.25.

We have seven buses on order and will have a total of ten new ones next calendar year.




Next meeting is scheduled for 1:00 p.m. on October 17 at Grand Haven Charter Township