Harbor Transit Multi-Modal Transportation System (HTMMTS) Board Meeting Agenda
December 1, 2021, 4:30 PM
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Approval of September 22, 2021 HTMMTS Board Meeting Minutes
4. Additions/Corrections to the Agenda
5. Approval of Regular Agenda
6. General Business / Call to Audience
7. New Business:
A. Discussion on Estimated Budget FYE 2022/2023.
B. Discussion/action on Payable Warrant.
C. File/Receive Financial Statements.
D. Discussion/Action Resolution of MDOT Master Agreement 2022-0063.
E. Discussion/Action Approval of Propane Contract with Wesco, Inc.
F. Vehicle Sale to City of Grand Haven and City of Battle Creek Transit.
G. Discussion/Action on Inter-Local Agreement to allow Public Transportation Across Jurisdictional Boundaries.
H. Discussion/Review of the (LAC) Local Advisory Council Meeting.
I. Change in Harbor Transit Policy Training Pay.
J. John R. Stern – At Large Harbor Transit Board Member.
8. Old Business – Discussion/Action to Approve Preliminary Harbor Transit Strategic Plan.
9. Marketing Update – Annelise Walker
10. Operation Director’s Update – Melvin Barkley
11. Transportation Director’s Update – Scott Borg
12. Board Member Comments
▪ Craig Bessinger
▪ Bill Cargo
▪ Patrick McGinnis
▪ Don Reis
▪ Joel Tepastte
▪ Christine Burns
▪ Gordon Gallagher
▪ Cathy Pavick
▪ Jerry Sias
Next regularly scheduled Board Meeting will be held on January 26, 2022 at 4:30 PM
at Grand Haven Charter Township, 13300 168th Avenue, Grand Haven, MI 49417.