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Harbor Transit Multi-Modal Transportation System (HTMMTS) Regular Board Meeting Minutes


Meeting Called to Order by President Craig Bessinger at 4:35 p.m.

Lack of a quorum was noted; notes from tonight’s meeting can be authenticated by majority vote at next meeting with quorum.

Roll Call
Present: Craig Bessinger, Pat McGinnis, Gordon Gallagher, Bill Cargo
Absent: Joel TePastte, Jerry Sias, Cathy Pavick, Don Reiss, Chris Burns

Also Present: Scott Borg, Harbor Transit Director, Dana Appel, Finance and Compliance Director, Annelise Walker, Marketing Coordinator, Tom Burghardt, Driver, Teresa Dreese, Dispatch Lead, Carrie Uthe, Local Advisory Council Chair, John Stern, former employee interested in at-large Board seat

Approval of September 22, 2021 HTMMTS Board Meeting Minutes
Motion by Cargo, second by Gallagher to approve the minutes of September 22, 2021. Motion carries.

Additions/Corrections to the Agenda

Approval of Regular Agenda
Motion by McGinnis, second by Gallagher to approve the agenda as printed. Motion carries.

General Business / Call to Audience

Discussion on Estimated Budget FYE 2022/2023
Dana presented an update to the 2022/2023 budget and answered questions; this item will be on the January 26, 2022 agenda to formally amend the fiscal year budget.

Discussion/action on Payable Warrant.
Moved by Cargo to approve Payables Warrant, second by Gallagher. Motion carries.

File/Receive Financial Statements.
Dana commented that we are very early in the new fiscal year and there is not much variance to report.

Discussion/Action Resolution of MDOT Master Agreement 2022-0063.
Motion by Gallagher, second by Cargo, to approve MDOT Master Agreement 2022- 0063. Motion carries.

Discussion/Action Approval of Propane Contract with Wesco, Inc.
Crystal Flash advises that we might do better next year if we request proposals for two years.

Motion by Gallagher to approve propane contract with Wesco, Inc. as presented, second by Cargo. Motion carries.

Vehicle Sale to City of Grand Haven and City of Battle Creek Transit.
Staff is recommending sale of two surplus trolleys with de-minimus value to the City for $1 each and two minivans to Battle Creek Transit for $2,500 each.Motion by Cargo, second by Gallagher, to approve sale of two fully depreciated trolleys with no market value to Grand Haven for $1 each and two minivans to Battle Creek for $2,500 each. Motion carries.

Discussion/Action on Inter-Local Agreement to allow Public Transportation Across Jurisdictional Boundaries.
Motion by Cargo, second by Gallagher, to approve Inter-Local Agreement to allow Public Transportation Across Jurisdictional Boundaries. Motion carries.

Scott reported that we are looking at expanding hours so we can better serve industry. We need to evaluate this pilot effort for at least one year to better understand potential for future expansion. This effort is in concert with the ongoing study underway at WMSRDC. Gordon and Pat asked that there be some outreach to local industry to make sure we are being responsive to their needs.

Change in Harbor Transit Policy Training Pay.
Scott explained that he would like to add language to the training manual to provide training pay to Harbor Transit Employees who are deemed qualified to train employees. Motion by Gallagher, second by Cargo to approve pay differential for hazardous pay as recommended by staff. Motion carries.

John R. Stern – At Large Harbor Transit Board Member.
Postponed until January meeting.

Old Business – Discussion/Action to Approve Preliminary Harbor Transit Strategic Plan.
Planning took place in May of this year.Motion by Cargo, second by McGinnis, to approve the draft plan for the years 2022 – 2026. Motion carries.

Marketing Update – Annelise Walker
Pushing messaging out about safety of riding on Harbor Transit.
Taking advantage of giving opportunities: Salvation Army angel tree location! Customers can stop in and pick out a tag and then deliver a gift back to Harbor Transit.
Lakeshore Trolley name was adopted following community engagement.

Operation Director’s Update – Melvin Barkley
Melvin accepted a job with the Detroit Transit operation; he will be missed. Go State. Ridership remains low compared to pre-pandemic levels. On time performance has been drastically impacted in November due to lane closures over bridge.

Transportation Director’s Update – Scott Borg
Promotions of Tom and Theresa noted.
West Michigan Regional Transit study. Workshops have been held in October and November. Consulting firm will make recommendations this month. If a new structure is agreed upon we will be asked to act in early 2022.
Currently negotiating with Progressive AE to be our consultant as we continue to work on plan to purchase property and build a new facility.
Dispatch is doing productivity training.

December 17, 2021 at 11:00 a.m. desert bake off: Board Members are asked to come and taste test.

Dana reported that Harbor Has a Heart will be packing toys at the Salvation Army – Board Members are also encouraged to assist.

Next regularly scheduled Board Meeting will be held on January 26, 2022 at 4:30 PM at Grand Haven Charter Township, 13300 168th Avenue, Grand Haven, MI 49417.