Harbor Transit Multi-Modal Transportation System (HTMMTS)
Regular Board Meeting Minutes January 26, 2022
Grand Haven Township Hall
Meeting Called to Order by President Craig Bessinger at 4:30 p.m.
Roll Call
Present: Craig Bessinger, Pat McGinnis, Cathy Pavick, Kevin McLaughlin, Bill Cargo, Don Reiss, Jerry Sias
Absent: Joel TePastte, Gordon Gallagher, Chris Burns
Also Present: Scott Borg, Harbor Transit Director, Dana Appel, Finance and Compliance Director, Jason Mitchell, Vredeveld Haefner
Approval of the December 1, 2021, 2021 HTMMTS Board Meeting Minutes
Motion by Bill Cargo, second by Jerry Sias, to accept the minutes from the Meeting held December 1, 2021, thereby independently approving all actions taken at that meeting by the full Board (no quorum on December 1). Motion carries.
Additions/Corrections to the Agenda
No changes or additions
Motion by Don Reiss, second by Cathy Pavick, to approve the agenda as amended. Motion carries.
Public Hearing
Chair Bessinger opened a public hearing at 4:35 p.m. on the Harbor Transit Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Budget Dana Appel presented the 2022-23 budget and answered Board Member questions.
Close Public Hearing at 4:41 p.m.
New Business
Discussion/Action of Financial Audit 2021
Jason Mitchell from Vredeveld Haefner presented the Audit to the Board. Added to fund balance nearly $1 million, but this is largely a result of money received in ARPA and CARES Act funding (non- recurring). Mr. Mitchell reported that there were no audit findings or issues and he would qualify this as a clean audit. Motion by Bill Cargo to accept the Audit for 2021-22, second by Kevin McLaughlin. Motion carries.
Discussion/Action of Final FY Budget 2022-2023
Dana again presented the proposed 2022-2023 budget and answered Board Member questions. Cash balances are up to approximately $2.4 million as of the end of the fiscal year ending September 30, 2021. Aiming for $3.5 million to secure on-hand resources for an eventual building project. At the end of the new FY (September 30, 2023), we should be at $3 million, and Dana would like to restrict at least $1.5 million of these surplus funds to be dedicated to the new building project.
Moved by Bill Cargo to approve the 2022-2023 budget as presented, second by Jerry. Motion carries.
Discussion/Action of 2022/2023 Fee Schedule
$1.50 in advance/$2.50 same day
$.75 in advance/$1.25 same day for various discounted rate.
Moved by Bill Cargo to approve passenger and advertising rates as presented, second by Cathy Pavick. Motion carries.
Discussion/Action of 2022/2023 Uniform Millage Rate Determination
Motion by Bill Cargo to set transit millage rate at .6 mills for 2022-2023, second by Pat McGinnis. Motion carries.
Discussion/Action of 2022/2023 FY Resolution of Intent
This is a resolution to establish that the System intends to apply for and secure funding from various governmental sources to provide local transit services.
Motion by Bill Cargo to approve the Resolution of Intent as presented, second by Kevin McLaughlin. Motion carries.
Discussion/Action of 2022-2023 Contract Clauses Certification
This resolution establishes compliance with Federal contract guidance – it is required by MDOT that all sub-grantees maintain compliance.
Motion by Bill Cargo to approve the Contract Clauses Certification as presented, second by Kevin McLaughlin. Motion carries.
Discussion/Action of Calendar Year 2022 Resolution to Adopt the Annual Exemption Option
Public Act 152 requires that the Board pass an annual resolution to authorize the health care premium share that is over the hard cap and below the required 20% employee contribution.
Motion by Bill Cargo, second by Kevin McLaughlin, to adopt the annual PA 152 exemption resolution as presented. Motion carries.
Discussion/Action of Accounts Payable and the Financial Statements
Motion by Bill Cargo, second by Jerry Sias, to accept the Accounts Payable and Financial Statements. Motion carries.
Discussion/Action of Grants Management Policy
Motion by Pat McGinnis to approve Grants Management Policy, second by Bill Cargo. Motion carries.
Discussion/Action of ADA & Reasonable Modification Policy
Motion by Pat McGinnis to approve ADA & Reasonable Modification Policy, second by Bill Cargo. Motion carries.
Discussion/Action of Title VI Policy
Motion by Pat McGinnis to approve Title VI Policy, second by Bill Cargo. Motion carries.
Discussion/Action of EEO Policy
Motion by Pat McGinnis to approve EEO Policy, second by Bill Cargo. Motion carries.
Discussion/Action A/E Services
Scott Borg explained that we sought bids and received three proposals, interviews were held with two of the firms, and administration is recommending Progressive AE for the architect of record for the coming building project.
Pat McGinnis stated that he believed it was a betrayal of the public trust to hire the same firm to build the building that was used to offer the advice that a building was needed, and he would not be supporting this action.
Motion by Bill Cargo to execute a contract with Progressive AE, second by Cathy Pavick.
Yes: Craig Bessinger, Cathy Pavick, Kevin McLaughlin, Bill Cargo, Don Reiss, Jerry Sias No – Pat McGinnis
Motion carries.
Discussion/Action Fare Policy
This is required by the Federal Government and was discovered during preparation for the triennial review by the Federal Transportation Administration.
Motion by Bill Cargo to approve the Fare Policy as presented, second by Cathy Pavick. Motion carries.
Discussion/Action Procurement Policy
This is required by the Federal Government and was discovered during preparation for the triennial review by the Federal Transportation Administration.
Motion by Bill Cargo to approve the Procurement Policy as presented, second by Cathy Pavick. Motion carries.
Discussion/Action Appointing Kevin McLaughlin to the MPO Policy Board/WMSRDC representing Harbor Transit
Motion by Pat McGinnis to appoint Kevin McLaughlin to the MPO Policy Board to represent Harbor Transit, second by Bill Cargo. Motion carries.
Personnel Manual Update Drug-Free Workplace
This action would reflect FTA requirements.
Motion by Cathy Pavick, second by Don Reiss, to approve the update to the Drug-Free Workplace policy. Motion carries.
Old Business
Discussion/Action to approve 2022 – 2025 Harbor Transit Strategic Plan
Motion by Jerry Sias to approve the 2022 – 2025 Harbor Transit Strategic Plan, second by Don Reiss. Motion carries.
Marketing Update Annelise Walker – Annelise not present so a brief verbal report was offered by Scott Borg.
Transportation Director’s Report – Scott Borg
- We’ve had a few “limited service” days during recent inclement weather.
- West Michigan Regional study will recommend the Muskegon system break from the County
and re-establish service for those entities that desire the service. Merger does not appear to be a workable solution. We will continue to study opportunities. - The land acquisition effort continues to be a struggle.
- 23 items on the triennial audit; it was delayed one year so it is technically a four-year audit.
- Two at large positions available, one for the Board and one for the Advisory Committee. Please pass interest along to Scott if you have someone in mind.
Board Members Comments:
Board members made complementary remarks about staff and system performance.
Next regularly scheduled Board Meeting will be held on March 23, 2022 at 4:30 PM at Spring Lake Township Office, 102 West Savidge Street, Spring Lake, MI 49456