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Regular Board Meeting Minutes March 23, 2022
Spring Lake Township Hall

Meeting Called to Order by President Craig Bessinger at 4:33 p.m.

Roll Call

Present: Craig Bessinger, Pat McGinnis, Cathy Pavick, Bill Cargo, Jerry Sias, Gordon Gallagher, Chris Burns
Absent: Joel TePastte, Kevin McLaughlin, Don Reiss
Also Present: Scott Borg, Harbor Transit Director, Dana Appel, Finance and Compliance Director, Annelise Walker, Marketing Coordinator, Theresa Dreese, Lead Dispatcher, Tom Burghardt, Operations Supervisor, Trina Robinson, Consultant

Approval of the January 26, 2022, HTMMTS Board Meeting Minutes
Motion by Cathy Pavick, second by Chris Burns, to accept the minutes from the Meeting held January 26, 2022. Motion carries.

Additions/Corrections to the Agenda
No changes or additions
Motion by Gordon Gallagher, second by Bill Cargo, to approve the agenda. Motion carries.

Public Comments

Payable Warrant and Financial Statements
Dana Appel reported on the statements and answered questions from Board Members.
Motion by Gordon Gallagher, second by Pat McGinnis to accept the Payable Warrant and Financial Statements as presented. Motion carries.

Approval of LAC Advisory Members.
Angie Davis will represent persons with a disability for the City of Grand Haven, MI, one-year Term. Lisa Greenwood will represent persons with a disability for the City of Grand Haven, MI, one-year term.
Heather Phillips will represent persons with a disability for Grand Haven Township, one-year term.
Moved by Pat McGinnis, second by Chris Burns, to approve the appointments as presented to the Local Advisory Council. Motion carries.
HTMMTS still has one opening that needs to represent the Village of Spring Lake.

Discussion/Action on HTMMTS Advertising Fee.
Annelise Walker offered a presentation on wrapping buses with advertisement. $100 per month for a twelve-month contract AND advertisers cover the cost of wrap/installation. Fresh Coast Design offered the best price to do the wrap ($1,912.80).
Motion by Pat McGinnis, second by Cathy Pavick, to approve the bus wrapping policy as presented by staff. Motion carries.
Annelise handed out promotional items to board members (stress squeeze bus, pens and magnets) Working with Ferry School classes in an interactive educational program – the kids have designed a route that they will be able to take as part of the program.

Harbor Transit – Muskegon Area Transit (MATS) Regional Study update.
Scott reported on the current state of the discussions about joint ventures between MATS and Harbor. Consultant will work with Muskegon to re-establish their agency as an Authority. There may then be further exploration of possible mutual efforts to collaborate.
Scott was asked to contact Jim Koens and Elizabeth Butler to discover other ways we might be able to help local employers secure reliable transportation for their employees.

Trolley Project # 2 -2022 Pilot Spring Lake Trolley Loop.
Loop will go to Fruitport and all the way around Spring Lake and out to Fisherman’s Parking Lot at the north pier. It will be calibrated to connect with the Buccaneer loop and the connection will be at the Holiday Inn.
Motion by Bill Cargo to approve the pilot project, support by Gordon Gallagher. Motion carries.

HTMMTS Building update.
Found 7.2 acres at the corner of Ferris and US-31; we are doing an appraisal with local funds to try to establish a value to help us negotiate.

Operations Update.
Scott reported on ridership numbers and accident incidents.

Transportation Directors Report – Scott Borg
Opening conference is June 30, exit conference in July. Will be a very busy two-week period.
LAC meeting was on February 16. The new members appointed tonight will be very valuable. Next meeting is May 18 at 1:15 p.m. at the Grand Haven Community Center.

Board Members Comments:
Patrick McGinnis reported that Grand Rapids Community College is interested in possible connections between MAX and Harbor to get students back and forth between the systems and to the GRCC Lakeshore Campus in Holland. He will pass along contact information to Scott.

Next regularly scheduled Board Meeting will be held on May 25, 2022 at 4:30 PM at City of Ferrysburg Administrative Office, 17290 Roosevelt Road.