Harbor Transit Multi-Modal Transportation System Board Meeting Minutes
May 22, 2024 Ferrysburg City Hall, Room #5, Ferrysburg, MI 49409
1. Meeting called to order by President Craig Bessinger at 4:30 PM.
2. Roll Call: Present: Craig Bessinger , Bill Cargo , Cathy Pavick , Ashley Latsch , Kevin McLaughlin , Will
Wittemore , Joel TePastte , Brady Selner
Absent: Gordon Gallagher , Bill Cate , Deanna McIntyre
Also Present: Scott Borg, Dana Appel , Annelise Walker , Bri an Woline
3. Approval of March 27, 2024 HTMMTS Board Meeting Minutes
Motion by McLaughlin, second by TePastte to approve the minutes of the March 27, 2024 meeting minutes. Motion carried.
4. Additions/Corrections to the Agenda: None.
5. Approval of Regular Agenda:
Motion by Pavick, second by TePastte to approve the agenda. Motion carried.
6. General Business/Call to Audience: None.
7. Consideration for Approval of Consent Agenda:
a.Approval of Payable Warrants
b.Filing/Receiving Financial Reports
c.Discussion/Action on Trolley Agreement with Village of Fruitport
i.Bill Cargo requested clarification on whether the agreement would cover
its operating costs. In response, Scott Borg provided insight by explaining
how Fruitport’s contribution is allocated towards the total annual
operating expenses for the trolley system. Borg further elaborated on the
cost allocation method, noting that Fruitport’s contribution is bas ed on
the actual costs associated with servicing the designated route.
ii.Craig Bessinger inquired about the potential flexibility of the 10:00 PM
trolley service ending time during periods of low demand, such as
inclement weather. Scott Borg explained that shifts may be shortened in
these circumstances.
d.Discussion/Action on Update to Personnel Manual
e.Discussion/Action on Update to Financial and Procurement Policy & Procedure
Manual (including FTA required procurement procedures)
f.Approval of Local Advisory Council Applicants
g.Filing/Receiving Local Advisory Council Meeting Minutes
Motion by Cargo, second by Selner to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Motion carried.
8. New Business:
a. Harbor Transit Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program: The board reviewed and approved the DBE program with no discussion or amendments.
Motion by Cargo to approve Harbor Transit Disadvantage Business Enterprise (DBE) Program as presented, support by TePastte. Motion carried.
9. Reports:
a. Marketing: Annelise Walker presented information on upcoming summer events and a new trolley tracking tool that will available this summer.
b. Operations: Scott Borg provided a report on the overall growth in ridership, specifically noting an increase in riders traveling to the Trinity at the Lakes stop for medical appointments and by college students. The analysis also included a detailed breakdown of ridership based on origin and destination. Additionally, it was highlighted that there has been a notable reduction in the number of no-shows since the reintroduction of fares.
i. Will Wittemore inquired about pre-payment for no-show rides. Scott Borg addressed and clarified the policy, noting that payment is dependent on the LakeshoreGo app.
ii. Cathy Pavick identified a discrepancy in the ridership data totals. Scott Borg concurred.
c. Executive Director’s Report: Scott Borg acknowledged and commended Andrea Dumbrell on her successful completion of the Leadership Connect program. He also discussed the recent property damage incident at the 172nd Street facility, noting that compensation has been received from the former property owner. The funds will be used towards the new facility. Borg highlighted the submission of congressionally directed spending requests for the new facility to Congresswoman Hillary Scholten and Senator Gary Peters. Additionally, he mentioned the ongoing delay in receiving three buses that were ordered three years ago, with no update on their expected arrival.
i. Bill Cargo requested an update concerning the progress of the building project regarding EGLE (Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy). Scott Borg confirmed EGLE had completed their analysis in October of 2023.
10. Board Member Comments: None.
11. Meeting Adjourned: 4:45 PM.
Next Regularly Scheduled Board Meeting: 4:30 PM, July 24, 2024, Village of Spring Lake Administrative Offices, 102 West Savidge Street, Spring Lake, MI 49456.