Harbor Transit Multi-Modal Transportation System (HTMMTS) Board Meeting
Ferrysburg City Hall
17290 Roosevelt Rd. Room # 5, Ferrysburg, MI 49409
May 24, 2023 AT 4:30 PM
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Approval March 22, 2023 HTMMTS Board Meeting Minutes
4. Additions/Corrections to the Agenda
5. Approval of Regular Agenda
6. General Business/Call to Audience
7. Consideration for Approval of Consent Agenda:
a. Discussion/Action Payable Warrants.
b. File/Receive Financial Reports.
c. File/Receive National Transit Summaries & Trends 2021
8. Old Business
a. Wage Study Update.
9. New Business:
a. Discussion/Update on 172nd Property
b. Discussion/Action to request Harbor Transit millage renewal be placed on the August 2024 ballot for Spring Lake Township & Spring Lake Village. (.60 per $1,000.00 of taxable value for five years, 2024-2028)
c. Amendments to the Harbor Transit Personnel Manual
10. Discussion/Update on Local Advisory Council Meeting held on May 17, 2023.
11. Reports:
a. Marketing Report- Annelise Walker
b. Operations Report -Tom Burghardt Jr.
c. Transportation Directors Report – Scott Borg
12. Board Members Comments: Craig Bessinger, Bill Cargo, Ashley Latsch, Kevin Mclaughlin, Joel TePastte, Christine Burns, Gordon Gallagher, Cathy Pavick, Bill Cate, Deanna McIntyre, Will Whittemore
Next regularly scheduled Board Meeting will be held on July 26, 2023 at 4:30 PM at the Village of Spring Lake Administrative Offices, 102 West Savidge Street, Spring Lake, MI 49456