Harbor Transit Multi-Modal Transportation System
Regular Board Meeting Minutes May 25, 2022 Ferrysburg City Hall
Meeting Called to Order by President Craig Bessinger at 4:33 p.m.
Roll Call
Present: Craig Bessinger, Pat McGinnis, Cathy Pavick, Bill Cargo, Gordon Gallagher, Chris Burns, Don Reiss, Joel TePastte, Bill Cate
Absent: Kevin McLaughlin
Also Present: Scott Borg, Harbor Transit Director, Dana Appel, Finance and Compliance Director, Annelise Walker, Marketing Coordinator, Theresa Dreese, Lead Dispatcher, Tom Burghardt, Operations Supervisor, Molly Hruskach, Human Resources Director, Trina Robinson, Consultant, Carrie Uthe, Advisory Council
Approval March 23, 2022 HTMMTS Board Meeting Minutes
Motion by Bill Cargo, second by Chris Burns, to approve the minutes of the March 23, 2022 meeting. Motion carries.
Approval of Regular Agenda
Motion by Bill Cargo, second by Chris Burns, to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carries.
General Business/Call to Audience
Discussion/Action of Payables Warrant and Financial Statements.
Motion by Bill Cargo, second by Chris Burns, to approve the payables warrant and financial statements as presented. Motion carries.
Discussion/Action on Financial Update and Statistics.
No action necessary.
Discussion/Action on Amended Capital Projects for FY2022.
Motion by Bill Cargo, second by Chris Burns, to approve the proposed amendments to the Capital Budget for 2022 FY as presented. Motion carries.
Discussion/Update on RFP Proposal for Required Service for Right Away and Land Acquisition Services.
No action necessary.
Board Approval of Progressive A/E Contract.
Motion by Bill Cargo Chris Burns to approve the contract. Motion carries with Pat McGinnis voting no.
Discussion/Update on Local Advisory Council Meeting held on May 18, 2022.
Carrie Uthe was present and remains a tireless advocate of Transit services in Northwest Ottawa County. The Advisory Council is alive and well and will continue to meet quarterly.
Marketing Report Annelise Walker
Annelise distributed new trolley brochures and the 2020-2021 Annual Report. She also shared a customer service survey that showed very favorable responses. MSU is doing a survey for us this summer in cooperation with MDOT.
Operations Update Scott Borg
Scott shared ridership statistics going back to 2017.
99.33% on time performance
Five crashes since our last meeting, injured passenger from acceleration before passenger was seated, scooter rode off the bus and a few disciplinary actions.
Director’s Report
- Scott introduced Molly Hruskach, new Human Resources Director.
- Heavy COVID infections at Harbor Transit. Unfortunate news about RouteMatch – they will no longer be actively supporting the software.
- Will have results of the triennial audit at the July meeting.
- Safety Committee is now empowered at Harbor Transit, and they will be supported (within reason) by leadership.
Farewell Pat McGinnis. Scott read a nice tribute to Mr. McGinnis who is resigning his position in Grand Haven to accept a similar position in the City of Portage.
Next regularly scheduled Board Meeting will be held on July 27, 2022 at 4:30 PM at the Village of Spring Lake Administrative Offices, 102 West Savidge Street, Spring Lake, MI 49456