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Harbor Transit Multi-Modal Transportation System (HTMMTS)

Regular Board Meeting Minutes

MAY 26, 2021

Meeting Called to Order by President Craig Bessinger at 4:30 p.m.
Roll Call
Present: Craig Bessinger (Ferrysburg, MI), Bob Monetza (Grand Haven, MI), Pat McGinnis (Grand Haven, MI), Cathy Pavick (Spring Lake, MI, 4:40 p.m.), Gordon Gallagher (Spring Lake, MI), Don Reiss (Grand Haven Township), Chris Burns (Spring Lake, MI), Bill Cargo (Grand Haven, Township).
Absent: Mike DeWitt, Pete Lamourie
Also Present: Al Vanderberg, Ottawa County Administrator, Jessica Harris, Ottawa County Intern, Scott Borg, Harbor Transit Director, Andrea Dumbrell, Grand Haven Township Human Resources Manager, Dana Appel, Senior Accountant and Compliance Manager

Approval of the April 28, 2021 HTMMTS Special Board Meeting Minutes
Motion by Bob, second by Bill, to accept the minutes from the Meeting held April 28,
Yes: Craig Bessinger, Bob Monetza, Bill Cargo, Pat McGinnis, Gordon Gallagher, Chris Burns
Abstain: Don Reiss
Motion carries

Additions/Corrections to the Agenda
Chris Burns asked if we could move item 7E to the top of the agenda to get that order of business out of the way. With no objections
Motion by Chris, second by Bill, to approve the agenda as amended.
Yes: Craig Bessinger, Bob Monetza, Pat McGinnis, Gordon Gallagher, Chris Burns, Don Reiss, Bill Cargo
Motion carries

New Business
Discussion/Action on Operation and Maintenance Termination Agreement Addendum
Bill advised that he was planning to vote no, but if his vote was needed to get this through, he would cast it. Pat advised that nuances continue to emerge, and he looks forward to working with Scott to address unknown issues as they arise.
Motion by Gordon, second by Chris, to approve the revised Operation and Termination Agreement Amendment.
Yes: Bob Monetza, Pat McGinnis, Gordon Gallagher, Chris Burns, Don Reiss, Craig Bessinger, Cathy Pavick.
No: Bill Cargo
Motion carries

Discussion/Action On Strategic Plans Al Vandenberg Ottawa County Administrator
Al Vandenberg, Ottawa County Administrator, facilitated a strategic planning exercise with the assistance of County Intern Jessica Harris.

Discussion/Action of Accounts Payable and Financial Statements
Dana reported that we purchased a floor scrubber and a computer for our new marketing coordinator. Also had to reimburse MDOT for a totaled bus.
Motion by Gordon to accept the financial statement and approve the bills.

Discussion on Financial Update and Statistics
Discussion/Update on RFP Proposal for Required Service for Right of Way & Land Acquisition Services
Scott explained he had interviewed two firms to assist with site search and selection. He advised he preferred to continue developing an agreement with ORC Real Estate Solutions of Livonia, Michigan.
Motion by Pat to authorize Scott to move forward with ORC Real Estate to develop a plan and budget to secure acquisition services with an understanding that the costs will be reimbursable MDOT expenses, second by Cathy.
Yes: Bob Monetza, Pat McGinnis, Gordon Gallagher, Chris Burns, Don Reiss, Bill Cargo, Craig Bessinger, Cathy Pavick.
Motion carries

Discussion/Action to approve HTMMTS Drug & Alcohol Policy updates
Motion by Bill to approve the Drug and Alcohol Policy as presented, second by Gordon.
Yes: Bob Monetza, Pat McGinnis, Gordon Gallagher, Chris Burns, Don Reiss, Bill Cargo, Craig Bessinger
Motion carries

Old Business – Ridership update.

Scott provided a ridership update by municipality. Totals for April was 6,932 and May was 5,559 with a few days left in the month.

Transportation Director Scott Borg’s Report – Scott presented his report.

Board Members Comments:
Craig Bessinger
Michael DeWitt
Bill Cargo – He would like to have breakfast with Don.
Patrick McGinnis
Bob Monetza
Pete LaMourie
Joel TePastte
Christine Burns
Gordon Gallagher
Cathy Pavick
Donald Reis – I have a lot to learn.

Board Members Comments:
Moved by to adjourn at 6:05 p.m.

Next regularly scheduled Board Meeting will be held on July 28, 2021 at 4:30 PM Village of Spring Lake Administrative Offices, 102 West Savidge Street, Spring Lake, MI 49456.