Harbor Transit Multi-Modal Transportation System (HTMMTS)
Regular Board Meeting Minutes
SEPTEMBER 22, 2021
Meeting Called to Order by President Craig Bessinger at 4:50 p.m.
Roll Call
Present: Craig Bessinger, Pat McGinnis, Cathy Pavick, Gordon Gallagher, Mike DeWitt, Bill Cargo
Absent: Joel TePastte, Bob Monetza, Pete LaMourie, Don Reiss, Chris Burns
Also Present: Scott Borg, Harbor Transit Director, Andrea Dumbrell, Grand Haven Township Human Resources Manager, Dana Appel, Finance and Compliance Director, Melvin Barkley, Operations Director, Annelise Walker, Marketing Coordinator, Tom Burghardt, Driver
Approval of the July 28, 2021 HTMMTS Board Meeting Minutes
Motion by Gordon, second by Cathy, to accept the minutes from the Meeting held July 28, 2021. Motion carries.
Additions/Corrections to the Agenda
Scott asked that an item to approve an inter-local agreement with the Muskegon Area Transit Authority be added as item 7.0.
Motion by Pat, second by Mike, to approve the agenda as amended. Motion carries.
General Business / Call to Audience
Discussion/action on Financial Reports, Receive and File.
Motion by Pat, second by Bill to accept the Financial Reports as presented. Motion carries.
Discussion/action Payables Warrant
Motion by Bill, second by Gordon to accept the Payables Warrant as submitted. Motion carries.
Discussion/action on Final Budget Amendments FYE 2020/2021.
Motion by Bill to approve the final recommended budget amendments for 2020/2021, second by Mike. Bill and Gordon offered compliments on the work and presentation of the final amendments. Motion carries.
Discussion/Final pre-implementation review of 2021/2022 budget.
Capital Projects
Wage Recommendations
Gordon asked about the wage recommendation and what the overall cost is of all increases, steps plus COLA. Scott will provide this detail to Board Members. Motion by Mike to approve Capital Project plan and the wage recommendations as presented, second by Gordon. Motion carries.
Discussion on Millage Reduction Fraction.
Report was received and there were no further questions.
Discussion/action on the Resolution of 2023-2026 (CMAQ) Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Capital Projects in the (STIP) State Transit Improvement plan.
Motion by Bill, second by Cathy, to approve the Resolution of 2023-2026 (CMAQ) Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Capital Projects in the (STIP) State Transit Improvement plan. Motion carries.
Discussion/action Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Bi-Monthly Regular Meeting Dates.
Motion by Gordon, second Cathy to approve the meeting dates as presented. Motion carries.
Discussion/action to elect or re-elect HTMMTS Board officers: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Craig Bessinger President
Bill Cargo, Vice President
Pat McGinnis, Secretary
Gordon Gallagher, Treasurer.
Motion by Mike to re-elect the current slate of officers, second by Gordon. Motion carries.
Discussion/action on Transportation Director 2021 Evaluation.
Craig reported that the officers of Harbor Transit met and reviewed the performance of the Director in the past year and set goals for the upcoming year. Motion by Pat, second by Mike, to approve the recommended step increase for the Director to Step 5 and Cola increase as recommended by the System’s officers. Motion carries.
Discussion/action on Preliminary 5 Year Strategic Plan Deadlines and Resources.
Scott reported that he had distilled the feedback received during the strategic planning session into a single page document. At the November meeting he will present a tracking tool that will be used to measure progress on the goals going forward. We are still not charging fares, but should be positioned to re-institute collection later this year. Motion by Mike to adopt the proposed strategic plan, second by Gordon. Motion carries.
Marketing Update – Annelise Walker
Positive feedback on the re-introduction of the trolleys
May re-direct the routes next year and collaborate with museum to introduce historic tours. Beach Express needs work.
On line standing order forms to request school services are in the works
A brochure highlighting our services was shared with the board
We are running ads on WGHN and doing underwriting on WAWL to get the word out
Good social media engagement; followers are trending up (Facebook and potentially
Google Ads)
Operations Update – Scott Borg
Scott provided a review of his written update. Ridership is still not up to pre-pandemic levels, but is steadily climbing.
Transportation Director’s Report – Scott Borg
Customer Care Manager position will not be filled; instead there will be an Operations Supervisor position
WMSRDC study continues. Biweekly meetings are ongoing. There will be work sessions in early October. If collaborations are recommended, they could be presented as soon as January of 2022
Land study is ongoing
RFQ for Architectural and Engineering services is going out
Trolleys remain in production, hope to have them here for November meeting.
Dana Appel is in Leadership Connect
Discussion/action on inter-local agreement to allow cross jurisdictional services
Motion by Bill, second by Mike, to approve the proposed inter-local agreement conditioned on approval of the location by the Spring Lake Township Board. Motion carries.
Board Member Comments
▪ Michael DeWitt – He read the paper and there was a report on MATS consolidating with HTMMTS and he is leery about that. This is his last meeting.
▪ Patrick McGinnis – Thanked Mike for his years of service to HTMMTS and the City of Ferrysburg.
▪ Gordon Gallagher – Applauded the progress being made by HTMMTS in recent months.
▪ Cathy Pavick – wished Mike all the best in his well deserved retirement.
Moved by DeWitt to adjourn at 5:58 p.m.
Next regularly scheduled Board Meeting will be held on November 17, 2021 at 4:30
PM at City of Grand Haven, 519 Washington Ave, Grand Haven, MI 49417.