Regular HTMMTS Board Meeting Minutes
July 24, 2024
Village of Spring Lake
Meeting called to order by President Craig Bessinger at 4:30 PM.
Roll Call:
Present: Craig Bessinger, Bill Cargo, Bill Cate, Gordon Gallagher, Ashley Latch, Deanna McIntyre, Cathy Pavick, & Brady Selner
Absent: Kevin McLaughlin, Joel TePastte, & Will Whittemore
Also Present: Dana Appel, Scott Borg, Tom Burghardt Jr., & Annelise Walker.
Approval of May 22, 2024 HTMMTS Board Meeting Minutes.
Motion by Gallagher, second by Pavick to approve the minutes of the May 22, 2024 meeting minutes. Motion carried.
Additions/Corrections to the Agenda: None.
Approval of Regular Agenda:
Motion by Pavick, second by Gallagher to approve the regular agenda. Motion carried.
General Business/Call to Audience: None.
Consideration for Approval of Consent Agenda:
– Discussion/Action of Payable Warrant
– File/Receive Financial Report
– File/Receive FY2024 Estimated Final Budget
– Discussion/Action of Updated Personnel Manual
– Discussion/Action of No-Show & Cancellation Policy
Motion by Gallagher, second by Cargo to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Motion carried.
Marketing (Walker):
Lakeshore Trolley use and tracking information is available on the Transit app. She also highlighted advertising for the trolley and Beach Express on radio and social media, an engaged rider survey through the Lakeshore-Go app, and the Coast Guard Festival park-and-ride promotion.
HTMMTS sponsored a children’s activity/craft table at the July 3 Farmers Market.
Four-Pointes has purchased a bus wrap that will be installed in August and Eastown Auto has renewed their wrap contract.
Operations (Borg):
Overall ridership continues a downward trend in comparison with pre-pandemic levels. Resumption of fare collection may be a factor. Also, the GHAPS school year ending in May this year as opposed to June in previous years, which reduced June’s ridership. Cargo expressed concerns about the downward trend in 4 out of the last 6 months and suggested that HTMMTS staff needs to address it. Gallagher suggested a review and discussion at the November board meeting.
No-shows are down significantly over last year and on-time performance (both pick-ups and drop-offs) is holding steady at approximately 90%.
There was one bus crash without injuries due to a bus driver error. This crash also generated a road cal for towing.
Transportation (Borg):
Thanks to Appel and other HTMMTS staff for their hard work on the construction grant that was awarded on July 16. $16,252,400 in Federal Grant Funding was awarded and MDOT will match 20%.
The Bus Order that Harbor Transit placed on November 3, 2021 was finally filled on July 10, 2024. These units will be in service within the next couple of weeks.
The ASC Environmental Group sent the FTA an Environmental Class of Action request for the property located on 172nd Ave in Grand Haven, Township. This request went to the FTA on July 17, 2024. ASC submitted the Environmental Class of Action as a Categorical Exclusion meaning the categories of actions do not involve significant environmental impacts and are exempt from detailed environmental review.
Harbor Transit sent out an RFP for Construction Manager at Risk to seven contractors in West MI with responses due by August 9, 2024.
Board Member Comments:
Bessinger advised that Borg’s annual performance review is due soon.
Pavick extended congratulations to HTMMTS staff for their work of the grant application. She commented on a Local Advisory Council desire to see a Harbor Transit connection to Allendale. This would provide access to the greater Grand Rapids area, including the airport, as well as transportation for GVSU students. She also advised that a facility manager be involved in design and development of the new operations center.
Meeting Adjourned at 4:50 PM
Next Regularly Scheduled Board Meeting: 4:30 PM, Sep 25, 2024, City of Grand Haven, 519 Washington Ave, Grand Haven, MI 49