Regular HTMMTS Board Meeting Minutes July 26, 2023
Village of Spring Lake
1. Meeting Called to Order by President Craig Bessinger at 4:33 p.m.
2. Roll Call
Present: Craig Bessinger, Bill Cargo, Bill Cate, Ashley Latch, Kevin McLaughlin, & Cathy Pavick..
Absent: Chris Burns, Gordon Gallagher, Deanna McIntyre, Joel TePastte, & Will Whittemore.
Also Present: Scott Borg, HTMMTS Director; Dana Appel, Finance and Compliance Director; Andrea Dumbrell, Human Resources Director; & Annelise Walker, Marketing Coordinator.
3. Additions/Corrections to the Agenda: None
4. General Business/Call to Audience: None
5. Consideration for Approval of Consent Agenda:
a. Approval of May 24, 2023 HTMMTS Board Meeting Minutes.
b. Approval of Regular Agenda.
c. Discussion/Action Payable Warrant.
d. File/Receive Financial Report.
e. File/Receive FY2023 Estimated Final Budget.
Motion by Cargo, second by Pavick, to approve the agenda. Motion carries.
6. Old Business: Discussion/Update on 172nd Ave Property:
Shape Corporation has made an offer on the property. It is unclear whether the buyer or the seller can get out of the purchase agreement. There are 29 acres, but HTMMTS only needs 10 acres. See item 6a (attached) for details.
7. New Business: Completed Regional Transit Study Final Report:
Discussion regarding the viability of HTMMTS connection with Muskegon Transit at Trinity at the Lakes; it may not be worth the expense. Cargo emphasized focusing on our core issue: our local population.
8. Reports:
a. Marketing Update (Annelise Walker): Reviewed the June and July marketing reports and answered questions from board members. See report, Item 8a (attached)
b. Operations Report (Scott Borg): See report, Item 8b (attached).
c. Transportation Director’s Report (Scott Borg): See report, Item 8c (attached).
9. Board Member Comments: Pavick commented on the number of drivers; Borg stated that the number of drivers is now at pre-pandemic levels.
Meeting adjourned by President Craig Bessinger at 5:07 PM.
The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, September 27, 2023, at the City of Grand Haven, 519 Washington Ave, Grand Haven.