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Harbor Transit Multi-Modal Transportation System (HTMMTS)

Board Meeting Agenda March 22, 2023 AT 4:30 PM

Spring Lake Township
102 West Savidge Street
Spring Lake, MI 49456

1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Approval March 1, 2023 HTMMTS Special Board Meeting Minutes
4. Additions/Corrections to the Agenda
5. Approval of Regular Agenda
6. General Business/Call to Audience
7. New Business:
a. Discussion/Review of wage study (presented by Lisa Brown of HR Collaborative). No
Action Needed.
b. Discussion/Action of Harbor Transit 2022 Financial Audit (Presented by Peter Haefner of Vredeveld Haefner CPA’s LLC).
c. Discussion/Action of Payable Warrant.
d. Receive/File Financial Statements.
e. Discussion/Action of Requested FY2023 Budget Amendment.
f. Approval of LAC Advisory Members for an additional 1-year term.
I. Angie Davis will represent persons with a disability for the City of Grand Haven, MI, one-year Term.
II. Lisa Greenwood will represent persons with a disability for the City of Grand Haven, MI, one-year term.
III. Heather Phillips will represent persons with a disability for Grand Haven Township, one-year term.
g. Discussion/Action of HTMMTS Consent Agenda Policy.
h. Discussion/Action of HTMMTS Accessibility plan.
8. Old Business:
a. Discussion/Action to Adopt the Annual Hard Caps Option. – 1) Section 3 – Limits a public
employer’s total annual health care costs for employees based on coverage levels, as defined in the Act.
9. Reports: Marketing Report – Annelise Walker Operations Report – Scott Borg
Transportation Directors Report – Scott Borg
10. Board Members Comments: Craig Bessinger
Bill Cargo
Ashley Latsch Kevin Mclaughlin Joel TePastte Christine Burns Gordon Gallagher Cathy Pavick
Don Reiss
Bill Cate
Deanna McIntyre
Next regularly scheduled Board Meeting will be held on May 24, 2023 at 4:30 PM at City of Ferrysburg Administrative Office, 17290 Roosevelt Road.