Harbor Transit Multi-Modal Transportation System (HTMMTS)
BOARD MEETING AGENDA March 23, 2022 AT 4:30 PM
Spring Lake Township
102 West Savidge Street
Spring Lake, MI 49456
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Approval January 26, 2022 HTMMTS Board Meeting Minutes
4. Additions/Corrections to the Agenda
5. Approval of Regular Agenda
6. General Business/Call to Audience
7. New Business:
a. Discussion/Action of Payable Warrant and Financial Statements.
8. Approval of LAC Advisory Members.
a. Angie Davis will represent persons with a disability for the City of Grand Haven, MI, one-
year Term.
b. Lisa Greenwood will represent persons with a disability for the City of Grand Haven, MI,
one-year term.
c. Heather Phillips will represent persons with a disability for Grand Haven Township, one-
year term.
d. HTMMTS still has one open that needs to represent the Village of Spring Lake.
9. Discussion/Action on HTMMTS Advertising Fee.
10. Harbor Transit – Muskegon Area Transit (MATS) Regional Study update.
11. Trolley Project # 2 -2022 Pilot Spring Lake Trolley Loop.
12. HTMMTS Building update.
13. Marketing Report Annelise Walker
14. Operations Update.
15. Transportation Directors Report – Scott Borg
16. Board Members Comments:
- Craig Bessinger
- Bill Cargo
- Patrick McGinnis
- Kevin Mclaughlin
- Joel TePastte
- Christine Burns
- Gordon Gallagher
- Cathy Pavick
- Don Reiss
- Jerry Sias
- At Large – Open
The next regularly scheduled Board Meeting will be held on May 25, 2022 at 4:30 PM at City of Ferrysburg Administrative Office, 17290 Roosevelt Road.