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Harbor Transit Multi-Modal Transportation System (HTMMTS)

Regular Board Meeting Minutes September 28, 2022 Grand Haven Community Center

Meeting Called to Order by President Craig Bessinger at 4:30 p.m.
Roll Call
Present: Craig Bessinger, Bill Cargo, Gordon Gallagher, Chris Burns, Joel TePastte, Bill Cate, Don Reis
Absent: Ashley Latch, Cathy Pavick, Kevin McLaughlin
Also Present: Scott Borg, Harbor Transit Director, Dana Appel, Finance and Compliance Director, Molly Hruskach, Human Resources Director, Trina Robinson, Financial Consultant, Tom Burghardt, Operations Manager. Carrie Uthe Local Advisory Council Chairperson

Approval May 25, 2022 HTMMTS Board Meeting Minutes
Motion by Gordon Gallagher, second by Joel TePastte, to approve the minutes of the July 27, 2022 meeting. Motion carries.
Additions/Corrections to the Agenda – None Scott Borg

Approval of Regular Agenda
Motion by Joel TePastte, second Bill Cate, to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carries.

General Business/Call to Audience – Craig Bessinger

Discussion/Action to file and receive Financial Statements.
Motion by Bill Cargo, second by Gordon Gallagher, to approve the financial statements as presented. Motion carries.

Discussion/Action of Payables Warrant.
Motion by Bill Cargo, second by Joel TePastte to approve the payables warrant as presented. Motion carries.

Discussion/Action on Final Budget Amendments FYE 2022.
Motion by Chris Burns, second by Joel TePastte to approve the final budget amendments FYE 2021/2022 the payables warrant as presented. Motion carries.

File/Review FY 2022/23 budget pre-implementation review of budget
No action necessary.

Discussion/Action regarding amendments to the Personnel Manual
Motion by Joel TePastte, second by Chris Burns, to approve the amendments to the Personnel Manual as presented. Motion carries.

Discussion/Action regarding MERS HCSP Agreement Amendment and Contribution Addendum.
Motion by Bill Cargo, second by Joel TePastte, to approve MERS HCSP Agreement Amendment and Contribution Addendum as presented. Motion carries.

Discussion/Action to elect or re-elect HTMMTS Board officers: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer
Motion by Bill Cargo, second by Gordon Gallagher, to approve election or re-election of HTMMTS Board officers as follows: President – Craig Bessinger, Vice-President – Bill Cargo, Secretary – Bill Cate, Treasurer – Gordon Gallagher. Motion carries.

Discussion/Action on Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Bi-Monthly Regular Meeting Dates
Motion by Chris Burns, second by Bill Cargo, to approve the fiscal year 2022-2023 Bi-Monthly regular meeting dates as presented. Motion carries.

Discussion/Action on Transportation Director 2022 Evaluation.
Motion by Chris Burns, second by Gordon Gallagher to approve Transportation Directors salary increase by one step effective September 21, 2022, and include any cost of living adjustments (COLA) when provided to Harbor Transit employees . Motion carries.

Discussion/Action appointing Sarah Wheeler as the LAC Representative for Spring Lake Village.
Motion by Chris Burns, second by Joel TePastte to appoint Sarah Wheeler to the LAC Board. Motion Carries.

Marketing Report Scott Borg
Scott Borg reviewed the Marketing Objectives.
1. Promote MATS and Harbor Transit connection at Trinity Health Village Lakes.
2. Communicate the benefits of Harbor Transit’s On Demand Service to increase the motivation to
3. Increase digital presence to reach more of the local population outside of the Facebook users.

Human Resources Update Mollie Hruskach
Mollie Hruskach explained that Harbor Transit has a RFP for a wage study to be completed. Chris Burns asked if the study would look beyond the bus operators and would the study take into account the wages of North West Ottawa County. Chris Burns recommended that request be a part of the wage study.
Staffing 12 open operator positions. 1 – fulltime dispatch position. We currently have a posting out for an Accounts Payable Specialist.

Operations Update Scott Borg
Scott shared ridership statistics going back to 2016, and reviewed Ridership by Municipality. 98.93 Ridership performance.
5 Crashes since the last Board Meeting.
0 Injuries since the last meeting.
4 Customer Complaints since the last Board Meeting.
1 Road call since the last Board Meeting.
Summer Trolley rides were 14,069 rides for the season.
Beach Express rides were 235 rides for the season.
Coast Guard Saturday had 3,423 rides, and 2,536 miles traveled.

EEO Applicant Data Mollie Hruskach
Scott Borg explained the FTA requires Transit Agencies to monitor and report this data to their Transit Boards Annually.
Harbor Transit had a total of 57 applicants, 27 males and 30 females for the open positions of bus operators, HR Director, and Dispatchers. The applicants were identified by race and gender.

Director’s Report Scott Borg
Scott reported that Harbor Transit had 1-Covid Case in the months of July and August.
Harbor Transit has 3 buses on order through the MDOT Pilot Program. We are hoping delivery is before the end of the year. Chassis and Chips are delaying the bus orders. Harbor Transit has since ordered 3 buses and will expect delivery in calendar year 2024.
Borg reviewed the Trinity at the Lakes Ridership to Muskegon. The rides have increase monthly since the start of the project in March 2022.

Harbor Transit provided transportation for the Folds of Honor Collegiate 54 Hole Individual Golf event. 272 rides on Monday and 172 rides were provided on Tuesday.

Potential location for the new facility is in Grand Haven Township on 172nd Ave. There is a Memorandum of Understanding with the owner.

Coast Guard Festival 2022 was successful due to the excellent work by the Harbor Transit Employees. Harbor Transit has 1 Bus Operator participating in the 2022 Bus Rodeo in Frankenmuth, MI.

Scott reviewed the open Board positons. The Harbor Transit Board currently has an Open At-Large Board Member Position.

Board Member Gordon Gallagher said he liked seeing the crash reports and expressed he had interest in knowing what the Trolley mileage was for the year.

Board Member Chris Burns talked about the narratives on the trolley and said she would work on a volunteer to narrate for the Spring Lake Trolley.

Board Member Bill Cargo expressed a concern over the Beach Express not being a good use of Harbor Transit resources.

Next regularly scheduled Board Meeting will be held on November 16, 2022 at 4:30 PM at The City of Grand Haven 519 Washington Avenue Grand Haven, MI 49417.