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Local Advisory Council 2023 Meeting Schedule

Harbor Transit Multi-Modal Transportation System
Local Advisory Council
2023 Meeting Schedule

• February 15, 2023 at 1:15 PM, at Central Park Place.

• May 17, 2023 at 1:15 PM, at Central Park Place.

• August 16, 2023 at 1:15 PM, at Central Park Place.

• November 15, 2023 at 1:15 PM, at Central Park Place.

Please contact Tom Burghardt at 616-842-3220 ext. 107 if you are unable to attend the Local Advisory Council Meeting.

*Note: Central Park Place (formerly the Community Center)

November 16, 2022 Local Advisory Council Meeting Agenda

November 16, 2022 at 1:15 P.M., GH Community Center

1. Meeting called to order. Carrie Uthe, Chairperson

2. Roll Call
Chrysteen Moelter-Gray
Warren Roosen
Ray Harz
Norman Cunningham
Christina Shannon
Carrie Uthe
Angie Devries
Lisa Greenwood
Heather Phillips
Sarah Wheeler

3. Approval of the August 17, 2022 Meeting Minutes

4. General Business / Call to Audience

5. General Business:
A. Introduction of new LAC council member
B. Discussion/Action of 2024 Vehicle Accessibility Plan:
1. Change in fare structure
2. Change in council membership
C. Discussion/Action of 2023 Meeting Dates:
D. Review of Ridership: include no-show
E. Ridership Recommendations/Concerns/Complaints

6. Finance Report: Dana Appel

7. Transportation Director Report: Scott Borg

8. General Comments/Discussions from LAC members

9. Adjournment

 Harbor Transit Local Advisory Council Meeting Minutes 8/17/2022
 Vehicle Accessibility Plan
 Harbor Transit Local Advisory Council Proposed 2023 Meeting Schedule
 Ridership Report
 Ridership Complaints
 Finance Report
 Directors Report
 HTMMTS Board Meeting Minutes September 28, 2022

August 17, 2022 Local Advisory Council Meeting Agenda

August 17th, 2022 at 1:15 P.M., GH Community Center

1. Meeting called to order. Carrie Uthe, Chairperson

2. Roll Call: Chrysteen Moelter-Gray, Warren Roosen, Ray Harz, Norman Cunningham, Christina Shannon, Carrie Uthe, Angie Devries, Lisa Greenwood, Heather Phillips

3. Approval of the May 18, 2022 Meeting Minutes

4. General Business / Call to Audience

5. General Business:

A. Review of Ridership: include no-show

B. Review of 2022 Coast Guard Park and Ride

C. Ridership Recommendations/Concerns

D. Ridership Complaints

6. Finance Report: Dana Appel

7. Operations Supervisor Report: Tom Burghardt

8. Transportation Director Report: Scott Borg

9. General Comments/Discussions from LAC members

10. The Local Advisory Committee’s next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday,
November 16, 2022, 1:15pm at the Grand Haven Community Center

11. Adjournment

May 18, 2022 Local Advisory Council Meeting Agenda

May 18, 2022 at 1:15 P.M., GH Community Center

1. Meeting called to order. Carrie Uthe, Chairperson

2. Roll Call: Chrysteen Moelter-Gray, Warren Roosen, Ray Harz, Norman Cunningham, Christina Shannon, Carrie Uthe, Angie Devries, Lisa Greenwood, Heather Phillips

3. Approval of the February 16, 2022 Meeting Minutes

4. General Business / Call to Audience

5. General Business:

A. Review of Ridership: include no-show

B. Customer Survey Results

C. Ridership Recommendations/Concerns

D. Ridership Complaints

6. Finance Report: Dana Appel

7. Operations Supervisor Report: Tom Burghardt

8. Transportation Director Report: Scott Borg

9. General Comments/Discussions from LAC members

10. The Local Advisory Committee’s next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, August 17, 2022,
1:15pm at the Grand Haven Community Center

11. Adjournment

May 16, 2022 Local Advisory Council Meeting Minutes




May 18, 2022 at 1:15 P.M., GH Community Center

1. Meeting called to order by Chair Person Carrie Uthe, at 1:14 PM.

2. Roll Call Chrysteen Moelter-Gray, Warren Roosen, Ray Harz, Christina Shannon-not present, Norman Cunningham, Carrie Uthe, Angie Devries-not present, Lisa Greenwood, Heather Phillips

Harbor Transit Staff:  Scott Borg, John Phillips, Tom Burghardt, Mollie Hruskach, Annelise Walker, Teresa Dreese

3. Approval of the May 18, 2022 Meeting Minutes Chrysteen made motion to accept minutes, Ray 2nd the motion.

4. General Business / Call to Audience

5. General Business:

A. Review of Ridership: include no-show Tom Burghardt reviewed Ridership numbers and no-show numbers. Ridership has been increasing, March was the busiest month since covid started. HT will keep plexiglass up for now. Buses are disinfected at the end of each day and in-between shifts. HT is looking for new dispatching software to replace Routematch.B. Customer Survey Annelise shared the results of the customer survey. 67 passengers completed the survey. Positive feedback was received overall. 2020-21 Annual Report was also shared. MSU Students will be conducting a survey while riding on buses for 2 weeks in July. Annelise also shared new trolley and beach express routes, dates/hours of operation. Signs and window decals are being made. New billboard for Beach Express on M104 at 144th Ave.

C. Ridership Recommendations/Concerns Expanding hours was suggested. On average there have 2 trips to Mercy Health-Lakes per day in April.

D. Ridership Complaints Tom reviewed 3 ridership complaints

6. Finance Report: Scott Borg reviewed the Finance report, which was included in packet. Reviewed Rider statistics against the National trend.

7. Operations Supervisor Report: Tom Burghardt On Time % 99%.

Tom Burghardt also reviewed monthly complaints & Rider Comparison.

8. Transportation Director Report: Scott Borg discussed Covid-19 cases in April, 12 cases.

Routematch dispatch software will be studied and replaced. Harbor Transit is in the middle of the FTA Triennial Audit, should be complete by mid-July. Description of new safety committee goals. Request for new LAC board Member. A description of the job was requested.

9. General Comments/Discussions from LAC members New 2022 calendars need to be posted on buses. Suggestions for unscented disinfectant. Drivers need to post their names, maybe electronic sign. Closed for Memorial Day.

10. The Local Advisory Committee’s next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, August 17, 2022,

1:15pm at the Grand Haven Community Center

11. Adjournment at 2:16 PM.

Attachments presented to the LAC Council:

 Harbor Transit Local Advisory Council Meeting Minutes 02/16/2022

 Harbor Transit Local Advisory Council 2022 Meeting Schedule

 Ridership Report

 HTMMTS Board Meeting Minutes March 23, 2022

February 16, 2022 Local Advisory Council Meeting Minutes

February 16, 2022 at 1:15 P.M., GH Community Center

Meeting called to order by Carrie Uthe, Chairperson at 1:18PM

Members Present:
Chrysteen Moelter-Gray
Warren Roosen
Ray Harz
Norman Cunningham
Christina Shannon
Carrie Uthe

Non-Members Present:
Angie DeVries – Grand Haven, MI,
Lisa Greenwood – Grand Haven, MI,
Heather Phillips – Grand Haven, MI

Harbor Transit Staff:
Scott Borg, Transportation Director
Dana Appel, Finance/Compliance Director
Tom Burghardt, Operations Supervisor
John Phillips, Safety & Training Coordinator
Teresa Dreese, Lead Dispatcher
Annelise Walker, Marketing Coordinator
Trina Robinson, HTMMTS Finance Consultant

Chairperson motioned to amend the LAC Meeting Minutes on November 10, 2021 to read HTMMTS LAC meeting minutes changed from meeting agenda and approve.
Moelter-Gray 1st – Cunningham 2nd

General Business / Call to Audience

New Name: Local Advisory Council (from Committee)

Scott Borg introduced Harbor Transit staff:
Dana Appel, Finance/Compliance Director
Tom Burghardt, Operations Supervisor
John Phillips, Safety & Training Coordinator
Teresa Dreese, Lead Dispatcher
Annelise Walker, Marketing Coordinator
Trina Robinson, HTMMTS Finance Consultant

Tom Burghardt provided Rider Comparison 2016-Feb 16, 2022

Dana explained funding increases and % of increases of new Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) Funding

Dana explained funding increases and % of increases.
Revenue Report and current budget was provided

Council will determine to questions on the survey.
Should have survey ready by March 31, 2022.
Drop surveys off at Four Points, to be filled out.
Last survey covered Fare increase and interest in Beach Express

Review of Local Advisory Council Membership and Term Dates.

Council requires 10 members. Still need three members at large and representative from Spring Lake Village

Chrysteen Moelter-Gray-term expires Nov 2024 represents Momentum?
Warren Roosen-term expires Nov 2022, represents Ferrysburg
Ray Harz-term expires Nov 2024, member at large
Norman Cunningham-term expires Nov 2024, member at large
Christina Shannon-term expires Nov 2023, represents Four Points
Carrie Uthe-term expires Nov 2024 represents Spring Lake Township

Fare increase was explained along with RMPay system. This will require switching to the Cloud to run RouteMatch.
A minimum of three months advanced notification will be given to passengers before increase is implemented.
Cash payments will be accepted at the Harbor Transit office only.

Discussion on how to communicate with council member and the area/organization they represent. Scott suggested Council members attend HTMMTS Board meeting.

Discussion regarding how council members would like to receive meeting packets.

If there are passengers causing trouble, the driver should radio in, other passengers should call 911. Cameras on buses will record any situation that may occur.

Dana discussed Revenue Report and current budget

Tom discussed new buses are on order, staff shortages, COVID, and the challenges for the staff.

Scott, Transit Director discussed the new building update: still looking for land, $13.8 Million for the new building.

Linking with MATS, looking for a name for that new service.

Current employees: 10 fulltime & 20 part-time, previous 10 FT & 50 PT.

Momentum Center pickup times were discussed.

Link with MATS at Mercy Health at the Lakes the catch MATS bus or GoBus. Need to educate staff and passengers on how to use the service.

Scott stated to maintain old punch fare cards – do not expire.

Suggested to schedule round trip when calling for initial pickup.

Grand Haven Bridge will resume construction March 1st.

The Local Advisory Committee’s next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 18, 2022,
1:15pm at the Grand Haven Community Center

Meeting was adjourned at 2:35 by Carrie Uthe